The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

I wish the octave down and up positions would get saved when making and saving a preset but it doesn’t. This is crucial because some sounds you make doesn’t sound right using different octaves and you can find a lot when using the octave down and up feature.

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  • Beat Sync (live quantize) option for trigs and modifiers (Octatrack has live quantize)

  • 4 midi tracks option instead of modifiers

  • poly/layer settings à la Digitone

  • Multimap and/or possibility to record soundlocks live (as A4/DN)

  • External In Dual Mono individual settings (as DN/DT)

  • Put lfo destinations in the right order (a b c d e f g h order, not a e b f c g d h)

  • Master Compressor (added)

  • Bandwith filter with resonance for Digitals

  • Different chords order

  • Super Copy/Clear/Paste for Track AND Sound

  • Velocity to Vol (switch off velocity, as on A4 and AR). Would be great for much more drastic Velocity Modulation.

  • Filter Keytrack and other modulations for FX TRACK (SETUP)

  • One press = change page. Sometimes you’re stuck and can’t change page without going out of a mode. Why being stuck when you obviously want to change a mode ?
    Ex : In Mute mode, press Rec would close mute mode and open Grid Rec mode.
    Ex : In Mute or Grid Rec mode, pressing Fn+Trk would open Keyboard mode directly


It would be cool if we could pick and choose blocks for any of the synths, like some sort of modular device, Empress Zoia… Just daydreaming. Surely most of it would sound like shite, such as implementing shimmer on SY TOY. But I mean there would have to be some gems in there as well.

Seeing these empty units just makes me think of routing possibilities of our own design starting from a selected tonal generator: subtractive, additive, physical… based on computation limits.

I know it’s far more complicated than lego-building parameter selection, but at the same time, does it have to be?

Elektron should release literally just a blank box but have the software base open source. No crazy mixer here, no 20 voice analog for me. I just want an empty Elektron box. Elektron’s version of the Moog Mavis.

P-lock parameter blocks anyone?

Hey Brockstar! You actually can save the octave when saving a sound. I’m not at my ST right now so I can’t remember the exact wording, but in the same menu you go into (the … Button) to save the sound, go into the, uh, sound settings (?) option, then in there is an option for octave. Set that down or up as many as you’ve changed it, and it basically sets the 0 octave as -1 or +1 or whatever you set it to, which gets saved when you save the sound.


Ohhh i didn’t know that!! I will have to check into that, thank you!!

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I can sell you an empty Syntakt box, for half the price of a Syntakt ! :wink:

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Check the sound settings menu

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Yeah i found it now :slight_smile:

PLEASE! Master compressor like the DT, but that shows the frequency… instead of numbers on side chain.
Besides that, the machine is amazing! Thank you, Elektron! :alien::ringer_planet::rocket:


The Tempest doesn’t even have a VCA for each analogue oscillator. If you know anything about drum synthesis you’d probably know that’s like a ferrari without wheels :grin: . Not to mention the syntakt’s hihat engine, which sounds like it has the classic Roland 6 square wave schmitt trigger arrangement AND also the classic KORG ring modulated hihats. The only Tempest I know is Joey Tempest :yum:

scalable polyphony on machines. Of course at the cost of each track per voice you use.
So I won’t have to buy the retrokits cable.
Only thing right now keeping me from buying and one of the reasons I sold my Digitakt


Feature Request: Add "Momentary’ Mode for Modifier Buttons

Currently, the modifiers can only be used to 1) play notes into a sequence when In Live Record mode, or 2) play notes on top of an existing sequence (if in Play Mode).

What I would LOVE to see is a third option, where the Mod Keys could be used to effect the notes of a sequence while playing, kind of like a momentary Parameter Lock that works only when the Mod button is held down. So, for example if you had a pattern of straight 16th note high hats playing all at the same velocity, Pressing the Velocity Modifier would alter the velocity of whatever trigs played while holding down the Mod key.

I’m not a synth engineer, but in my novice mind, this seems like something that could be feasible as a firmware update, and would greatly expand the dynamic performance options of the box.


Yes! This is such a weird omission, it’s basically impossible to use if you don’t have ultra tight timing

  • Velocity to Vol (switch off velocity, as on A4 and AR). Would be great for much more drastic Velocity Modulation.

  • Filter Keytrack and other modulations for FX TRACK (SETUP)

  • One press = change page. Sometimes you’re stuck and can’t change page without going out of a mode. Why being stuck when you obviously want to change a mode ?
    Ex : In Mute mode, press Rec would close mute mode and open Grid Rec mode.
    Ex : In Mute or Grid Rec mode, pressing Fn+Trk would open Keyboard mode directly


Fix screen flash after turning ST off. Probably bug.

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I thought so too. But then i heard a track from someone on here and it showed that the unquantized retrigs can actually sound very groovy. So i’m for an option to switch between quantized and unquantized.

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You mean, you can’t save/recall Kits, like on the Model:Cycles?
That would seem like a basic requirement.
And no user created folders for sounds.
I am surprised that the high end Elektron products don’t have basic features, that the Model Cycles/Samples have.

Yes, option to affect all sounds in a chain, would be great.

Have Overbridge send track panning info, as MIDI CC for each track, so DAW can reproduce track panning, as heard, when using Syntakt in standalone mode.

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And a Manis :heart_eyes: