The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Minor point and not really worth arguing about, but at least I turn off my TV with a soft bottom on the remote or front panel of the TV. This bottom press is handled by software. I do not just yank on the power cord of the TV. OK for vacuums I just turn them off with a power switch, but at least my vacuum does not run any firmware.
I do not know about the schematics of the Syntakt but I am pretty sure the power switch just disconnects the power cord, just like yanking the cable out. (But correct me if I am wrong.) This just feels wrong.


That is exactly the case. But these are designed with that in mind, so that even if you unexpectedly lose power, someone trips on a cord, etc, you never lose data.

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Yeah itā€™s nothing to worry about. Iā€™ve had a helix on my desk for 6 years and it has same type of on/off switch and itā€™s never failed or done damage and iā€™ve had other things with switches like these and no issues.

Not sure if this has been brought up, but on digitone you double tap one of the 4 track buttons and it would open preset list.

Iā€™d like that feature for the syntakt too. Just double tap a track trigger and list opens up, but the list only has things thatā€™s available for whatever track you opened. So if it was one of the 8 digital tracks you double tapped on then only presets for digital machines show up, but if it was a analog track you double tapped on then only presets for analog machines show up etcā€¦

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Double tapping those buttons to open a menu wonā€™t really work since those are the same buttons you press to trigger the track. What happens when you want to trigger a drum twice quickly?

I like this. Simplicity is key. It is already quite complex with the different mute modes.

I think itā€™d be enough if you could only solo one track at a time - to avoid brain meltdown, and cover the most common use cases.

Let us sacrifice neighbouring tracks to get SUPER MACHINES! :robot:


Would it be possible to enable the Syntakt Mixer page to send midi (like a midi controller controlling volume on external gear)?

Iā€™m playing around with a setup with Octatrack + Syntakt and It would be excellent if I could use Syntaktā€™s eight knobs (A-H) s to control Octatrackā€™s volumes on each track (T1 - T8) ā€¦ like a midi controller.
I know I can use a midi track on the Syntakt, but then itā€™s only possible to control one track on the Octatrack per midi-channel on the Syntakt (if I understand correctly)

Or enable the eight knobs to send one midi cc of choice on eight different midi channels?

I guess the purpose is to make users be able to get popular sounds the easy way without having to learn about synthesis?

ā€¦ SY BITS machine (in the Syntakt) can do PWM ā€¦

All in all, I donā€™t see the alternative to Syntakt. Whereā€™s the 12 part multitimbral dual vco synth for 1000 Euros in one box? I havenā€™t come across that.


Paraphony to a machine would be cool.

Also, would be nice to set tonality-scale non-destructive and have a transpose knob to nudge a tracks notes within a scale up and down. (To bring more happy misstakes to the Sequencer)


I need a damn arpeggiator. Seriously!


You do it when itā€™s not in keyboard mode or hit function + tap the track of your choice twice. Besides most arenā€™t opening the sound browser in the middle of a song so should be ok.

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ā€œLearn about synthesisā€ - as a former lecturer on audio engineering and synthesis topics , I support any kind of learning - but what is there to learn about square wave and pwm on a machine that doesnt have a square/pulse wave ?:slight_smile:
Going through different combos of dvco that sound the closest to square is not learning, its a chance.
You know what machine teaches synthesis? Tempest. 4 oscillators, all basic shapes, two digital ones, - this is the ultimate polygon for drum synthesis, unlike ā€œmachinesā€ on Elektron boxes.
Adding 56 versions of two oscillators where one shape is, as Dataline said, ā€œsome kinda sine, i am not even sureā€ is hardly a learning matherial.
As for Syntakt, I agree, although I really donā€™t need it, with Analog Rytm, Tempest, Machinedrum and Octatrack.

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I do wish Elektron would give us some more effects other than delay / reverb / overdrive.

I mean with some LFO stuff going on you can get vibrato, tremolo and other little things but Iā€™d like some different delays and reverbs and chorus like digitone etcā€¦

Heck monomachine has phaser, flanger, ring modulator etcā€¦ Those would be great if added to the other boxes!

But since all boxes have dedicated delay / reverb buttons and pages, i doubt new effects will ever be added to anything existing right now. Unless they tossed new effects under some global setting as a tweak it and forget it type thing.


I would like to have a BIA-Machine and a Desmodus Reverb as FX :stuck_out_tongue:


That was exactely my point :wink:

I was guessing why some of the design choices were made. That doesnā€™t mean I welcome those choices. Actually, Iā€™d very much prefer just a few machines that equal traditional synthesis so itā€™s completely up to the user.

But thanks to my knowledge, it doesnā€™t matter so much and I am able to get all the sounds I need out of the Syntakt.

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A new machine called SY MONO (?)

  • based on SY BITS, but SRR and BR replaced with ringmod amt and perhaps a pitch-sweep for the lower OSC.


  • SRR and BR replaced with ringmod amt [like above] and a second balance: BAL2 = balance between the two OSCs.

With an Expandable Detune-Range via the Setup-Page. That would make the Syntakt an insane workhorse for really just everything.


I wish we could get some extensive LFO routing like machinedrum

Each track on MD has 1 LFO, like for instance you have LFO 1 on track 1, but then you can take track 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 LFOā€™s and rout them all to track 1 and have 16 LFOā€™s on track 1 if you wanted! Or any other combinations you can think of!

Be nice to have such a feature for syntakt and all the other boxes too!

Example here -


Even if we couldnā€™t have a LFO routing option like machinedrum hasā€¦

What about doing something like making each LFO have a LFO MATRIX PAGE or PAGES under the LFO page. It would be set up with every single parameter weā€™re allowed to modulate and have a check box beside each one where we can click YES to check each one.

Say you want LFO 1 to modulate parameter 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 on SY-BITS SYN page but also modulate parameter 1,4,6 on the AMP page all at the same time etcā€¦ etcā€¦

Yes all parameters in the LFO MATRIX would share the same LFO parameters for it, but can you imagine a LFO matrix and how funky things could get doing that?

This is one way where 2 LFOā€™s can become super huge. I mean many LFOā€™s per each parameter would be better, but this gives us an option to at least use 2 LFOā€™s for many parameters at once.


ARPEGGIATOR and LEGATO on the keyboard