The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Filter keytracking for the FX block filter please! The menu option is there, it just doesn’t allow you to turn it on yet… :slight_smile:

This would also allow you to ‘play’ the harmonics created by the analogue filter without changing the base notes. So cool!


I absolutely am in love with this machine. It is my first Elektron instrument and I know it won’t be my last. There are only two things that I think would be really helpful:

  1. A master tune for changing from 440 hz tuning. I have a lot of gear tuned to 432 hz and having to adjust the tune knob on every track is not ideal, plus then you can’t use the tune knob to sequence jumps up and down in octaves/ fifths/ or any other interval easily.

  2. When the keyboard mode is activated and constrained to a different root note all TRIG note parameters should change to the new root i.e., if I have the keyboard set to D Aeolian all tracks should now be set to whatever D root note was set in the keyboard parameters. It is cumbersome to have to adjust each track when changing the keys.


Somebody on here mentioned Plaits machines. That is a very very interesting idea. +1


One can just hope that we will be able to buy machine packs. Monomachine and Machinedrum edition. Plaits obviously free :wink:


What would really be cool is:

  • Internal routing system for MIDI where you can set any amount of tracks to be controlled by the same MIDI channel polyphonically.
  • Set which tracks are affected by the control all feature. [EDIT] Maybe best way to do it would be groups. For example set tracks 1-3 to group 1, Tracks 9-11 group 2, etc, and then a menu function where you set the control all to ALL or GROUP.

BR, Gral


(not Syntact-specific:)
would love to have user-definable scales (in addition to predefined – because something’s always missing from someone’s point of view).
should not be difficult to implement at all, i wonder why quite a few gear has scale mode – but there’s still no gear with user-definable scales around.


Metal machine - multiple squares (at least 5) with detune, noise mod, FM, PWM, ring mod etc. For creating metallic sounds such as cymbals.


Had an idea for a lot workaround. What if holding a track button and turning a knob would effect the same knob across all patterns in the same bank? For example, I usually had to kick on either track 1 or track 9. If I held one of those to track buttons and turned the level knob, it would change the volume on all of the kicks throughout my song.


So kinda like a solo ctrl-all feature?

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I guess it’s a different kind of CTRL-ALL? If I have a kick on track 1 in pattern A, holding TRK and turning the level knob from 90 to 75 would do the same for all of track 1 in Bank A.

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Kits would be better but at least it would be something in that direction.

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I would like to the fx block on multiple pieces of gear. Dual mono please


Available on Digitone…:sketchy:

I think there should be much more sound Machines! Ability to load wavetables. There are o many missing things for this pricepoint! I got Syntakt with understanding that it is not a finished-finished product and it should have one or two big updates.


Can’t remember if I cross posted this yet but here it is:

not something I want to be fixed or changed unless they can implement proper midi track renaming

But if you have a midi track setup, switch it to another machine, Func+“…” to ‘rename trk sound’, save, then change machine back to Midi trk and you can label your midi setups

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Portamento / Glide / Glissando / Tie / Whatever you call it. And not just to the Syntakt, to the Digitakt as well.


Buying things for things they might do someday is a real good road to disappointment.


But my question is: Will Elektron actually update the Sntkt machines? will they ever do? OR did they mention such a feature to be avail in the future?

I think it is reasonable to expect them to be updated. The digitakt and digitone have both had pretty significant updates, but especially with the digitone nothing revolutionary. I think we could possibly see something like glide or other similarly small updates. If it sells really really well I think you could potentially see more machines added. But I don’t think we will ever see a song mode, or things like more effects, or fundamental changes to sequencer functions.


it’s ranked number 1 seller in both thomann drum machine & overall synth categories. looks like it might be doing extremely well. been pretty consistently ranked no.1 since launch.