The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

most certainly is :wink:

i guess Elektron was heavily aiming/hinting towards the chippy VGM and electronic side with the nice graphics UX, while soundwise still giving it the unique Elektron treatment.

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Yep, probably an idea for future developments.

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Sorry if i ‘spam’ this thread too much, just psyched and very curious

Is the Tuning option also available in the SynTakt like it is with the DigiTone?

Keep it 432Hz :wink:
(in Sync with the DN and quantum space travel)


The ability to import Model:Cycles projects with Transfer would be cool.


i too would like an uwu machine

c’mon elektron give us a really cutesy bubblegum synth machine


seriously though an Undo function/button combo would be my highest priority before an arp (although that would be very cool too)


How great would it be to have the sound pool be a modifier destination. That way you could create a mini kit of four sounds that you can live jam onto one track, then load up four more sounds to create a new mini kit and record on a new track. Since only the bottom row of knobs are used on the other modifiers you could use the top row of knobs for pitch offsets per sound.


For all y’all wanting song mode (or at least save pattern chain), put your money where your mouth is (hypothetically anyway):

And note the forum member @DreamXcape, who is hacking the firmware on one of the digi boxes to create this (having already done some other stuff). Apparently song mode is possible, but not easy to code, but it is in the pipeline!


@DreamXcape spoke of Windows software, not firmware hacking (which is a much more daunting proposition, and probably illegal).

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interesting. I wonder how that would work? And, yeah, probably illegal - but only if you sell it or distribute?

[sorry to hijack the thread]

Just like any other software MIDI sequencer. The advantage of writing your own is that you have full control over the interface and feature set. The disadvantage is… that you have to write your own…

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that’s actually a good one !!! Internally
switch between headphone or additional output.

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I wish they’d send track audio over class compliant USB

Mixing the tracks through iPad/AUM would be amaze


i still like to see a hardware D/A converter output splitter (overbridge in a box)

Like the Overhub, but as a hardware audio interface splitting the usb multis into analog outputs for further connectivity to e,g. a mixer or feeding into an FX signal chain? (or straight into modular?)

Out of the box, no computer
(an adapter of sorts)


I would love that too, but I think it’s too niche of a product. Best bet is that some third party fans make it, like MCL

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Something like this:

Unfortunately not that easy, very expensive, and it introduces latency.
Nice concept though.

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Same here, eq, fx, layering, etc.
Maybe get a Digitone Keys at some point in time (before they’re all sold out) They’ve got individual outputs. And it’s good for multi mapping, has a few extra knobs and ( ! ) modwheel/Pitchbend. Just take out a saw and a soldering gun to make it a little desktop module version :wink:

14.3.1 SYSEX SEND -> add CHAIN

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Kind of ridiculous to request before I even have one in hand but…….

-kits most of all. Seems a no brainer for a drum computer

-more machines, toms, more claps
(I predict UW will be a no go though)

-deeper synth parameters

-one wacky non-elektron style request would be to have a record take sans bpm. Like step record but in ‘real’ time. More or less, a midi looper is what I’m wanting but just for the first take.

Edit: slides and track mutes would be very useful, as well


1, A ‘polyphony machine’ combines 3/4 tracks and allows you to sequence these on just one track, rather than having to sequence the polyphony over multiple tracks to achieve this, like you do currently.

2, Ability to save chains.

3, Arpeggiator