The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

a ut sina machine,plus some wave folding and lpg(maybe not because track filter already there)
instant west coast

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Song mode.



  1. love the device and there’s lots of explore and feels very flushed out.

But some reasonable requests

A) more machines :stuck_out_tongue:
B) ability to assign LFOs across tracks (aka machinedrum).


Couple of more requests:

  • The DT chorus. It makes any FM sound better and the ST seems to be (nearly) all about FM.
  • Relative p-locks. For example, to lock in +20% filter cutoff on a step rather than the absolute value. That way you could open up the filter and the p-lock note would still stand out relative to the other notes.

This is brilliant on the Norand Mono and now I want it everywhere.


I love the feature set as is, but it would be really nice to have additional fx like flanger, chorus or bitcrusher, maybe as filter types if there is no other free ux space or processing power (these FM based machines don’t necessarily need the multimode filter in all cases anyway).


Yes please, would be very handy

Yep! Been wanting something like this for ages…


SY Tone
Rename Parameter H from “Overdrive” to “Texture”
Rotate knob clockwise: Overdrive (from 0-64)
Rotate knob counter-clockwise: Bit Rate Reduction (0-64)

Come on, guys…You know you want bit rate reduction on those FM basses. Be honest with yourself. = )

@myhrman @ThomasJ @goestatron


They could add separate polyphony settings for both the digital and (3 of the) analog circuits. A4 does it.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Syntakt FR Noise

:black_small_square: Admin Request : Following archiving dozens of posts adding nothing but noise here

We’re all in a chatty hyped up mood - but for the sake of any good actual feature requests please keep this as on topic as possible, all the chit chat here just makes it difficult to read (not to mention off-putting if you’re a busy :3lektron: designer contemplating community ideas)

We all (only) win if this is kept clear

Please and thanks :thup:

PS : Noise will now be deleted rather than moved, so post wisely :thup:


…modfiers could adress various arp modes…
…a neighbour track concept that allows an additional through fx section…for the cost of one sound machine track of course…but hey…trigs could still effect these new fx machines in some way…while any further sound locking is not possible there…also, of course…
…reinvention of various comb filter models that can crossover somehow to the scale modes…
…a vowel machine…
…a spelling machine…
…a vocoder machine…
…a chords2 machine…
…a toy2 machine…
…a bits2 machine…

just realized…comb filters might only work on “truu” audio…not on some algo data…hmmmpf.

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Parameter slide and or a third LFO per track/freely assign existing ones to any track


Dual peak resonance on the second filter of the digi machines
internally routable digital input machines with its own filters/envelopes/lfos

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Midi cc/commands to tx/rx things like ctrl+all, func+no and fills. That way you can record an entire performance into the DAW and have that played back again and tweak it to perfection.

…relative plocks sounds nice…since it’s kind of doing this all over the place already whenever u use controlALL…on the other hand, maybe both options might conflict then with each other…

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Sorry for my part in creating noise. But do designers actually read these threads? I was under the impression that one had to submit feature requests via email.

yes some do, sometimes