The Ultimate Octatrack FX Template 1.1.3: 64 FX, 2 Loopers, Compressors, Full Demo and Tutorial

This is the best Performance Mixer template I have made. It is comprised of 64 effects, 2 compressors (1 for each bus), and 2 loopers for FX and transitions. Besides using it for you next show It’s a great way to reverse engineer cool effects like EZ Drummer, Tape Stop, Daft Punk Effect, and how to build seamless loopers. Works on both MK1 and MK2 Octatrack’s.

All Banks and Patterns are populated with the Ultimate Octatrack FX Template x.x at a default tempo of 120 BPM and a pattern sale of 64 steps (4 bars).

***Clicks and pops can be caused by unstable BPM from external clocking sources. To avoid this use a stable clocking source such as the Octatarack itself.

***Audio MIDI Channels are disabled by default.

  • Effects with an asterisk have FREEZE delays.
  • “ALL” refers to effects that effect the entire mix with the same effect on both inputs A/B and C/D.

RECORDING LOOPS: To initiate a full recording press YES. Both recording buffers will initiate recordings at the beginning of 4 bars or step 1/64. Crossfade quickly into recorder scenes.

  • To record on only A/B Press Track 4 + YES, a recording will start at the beginning of 4 bars or step 1/64.
  • To record on only C/D Press Track 8 + YES, a recording will start at the beginning of 4 bars or step 1/64.
  • All recordings are recorded at unity gain.

TO SAVE A RECORDING TO FILE: Press FUNC + REC 3 and choose “Save This Recording”. This is useful for creating stems to save and use in other projects or to transfer to your computer.

COMPRESSORS: Separate compressors are available on both stereo input sets A/B and C/D. By default, they apply mild tasteful compression to your whole mix. To set custom compressor values for each pattern, lock the compressor effect parameters on the first step of Track 1 and Track 5 within each pattern.

SIDECHAIN PUMPING: Sidechain pumping is available on all patterns and all parts. By default the pattern is 4 on the floor. To use the sidechain pumping effect turn up LFO 1 depth on Track 5. To adjust where the ducking occurs copy and paste the BRIGHT GREEN TRIGS on Track 5.

STUTTER FX: FREEZE DELAYS are available seperately on Tracks 1 and 5. To use the the FREEZE DELAY hold FUNC + DOWN ARROW and select DELAY CONTROL. GREEN button 9 controls the FREEZE DELAY for inputs A/B and GREEN button 13 controls the freeze delay for inputs C/D. FREEZE DELAYS occur before effects are applied so you can hold a frozen buffer and then apply effects.

FX BLOCKS: Space, Build, Crush, Party

64 Scenes across 4 Parts. To move to a different set of 16 scenes/fx press PART and use the arrow keys to select a new SET OF 16 EFFECTS.

Scenes 1-16:

Part 1 - Space

  1. Hallway Riser
  2. Space Return
  3. 1/2 Note Filtered Looper (ALL) *
  4. Surco Riser V2 (All) *
  5. Space Drummer
  6. Acid Delay
  7. Melody Pass
  8. EZ Drummer *
  9. High Pass Filter 12db (ALL)
  10. Low Pass Filter 12db (ALL)
  11. Resonate High Pass (ALL)
  12. EZ Drummer + C/D Looper *
  13. Modulated Space Looper (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)
  14. A/B Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs A/B, Press YES or Track 4 + YES)
  15. C/D Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs C/D, Press YES or Track 8 + YES)
  16. Master Looper (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)

Part 2: Build

  1. Chorus Riser *
  2. Auto-Pan + High Pass (ALL)
  3. Stereo Drum Riser *
  4. Stereo Drum High Filter
  5. Modulated Chorus Filter
  6. Off World Filter
  7. Chorus and Smile Pass 1/2 Note Looper *
  8. Chorus and Smile Pass
  9. High Pass Filter (24db)
  10. Low Pass Filter (24db)
  11. Rhythmic Stutter (to customize the stutter rhythm open LFO menu 2 on track 5 and adjust the LFO designer)
  12. Rhythmic Space Stutter 2 (to customize the stutter rhythm open LFO menu 2 on track 5 and adjust the LFO designer)
  13. Melody Octave Up (C/D) (Requires Recording of inputs C/D)
  14. A/B Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs A/B, Press YES or Track 4 + YES)
  15. C/D Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs C/D, Press YES or Track 8 + YES)
  16. Master Looper (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)

Part 3: Crush

  1. Crush Filter
  2. Burning Filter
  3. Death Punk Filter *
  4. Ghost *
  5. Poltergeist *
  6. Boiler Room
  7. Walk Lightly
  8. Flanger Buildup
  9. High Pass Filter (12db)
  10. Low Pass Filter (12db)
  11. Dreamy Highpass
  12. EZ Drummer 2
  13. Tape Reel Speedup (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)
  14. A/B Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs A/B, Press YES or Track 4 + YES)
  15. C/D Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs C/D, Press YES or Track 8 + YES)
  16. Master Looper (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)

Part 4: Party

  1. Echo Freeze (16th notes) (ALL) *
  2. Modulated Echo Freeze (ALL) *
  3. Daft Punk Effect Alternate Version (ALL) *
  4. Rhythm Ripper
  5. LFO Twist (ALL) *
  6. Synth Twister (Mutes Drums) *
  7. Lo-Fi Build
  8. Tape Stop (ALL)
  9. High Pass Filter (12db)
  10. Low Pass Filter (12db)
  11. Full Modulation (ALL) (Requires Recording)
  12. Pitch Riser (ALL) (Requires Recording)
  13. Reverse (ALL) (Requires Recording)
  14. A/B Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs A/B, Press YES or Track 4 + YES)
  15. C/D Input Looper (Requires RECORDING of inputs C/D, Press YES or Track 8 + YES)
  16. Master Looper (ALL) (Requires RECORDING of both A/B and C/D, Press YES)

Get it here:
Get it here:


“Sound like you know what you’re doing even when you don’t!”

I feel seen.


Very cool breakdown.
I need to re-watch when I have more time.
I do some similar things, but also very different.
This should inspire me to try new things!

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It’s nice to just be able to jam, ya know. This makes that like 10x more fun


I need to incorporate “Parts” more into my set up.
That should help me expand on my idea with in the project.
My typical effects “jam” set up uses a series of neighbor tracks, A/B input for drums, C/D for synths.
I use 3 neighbor tracks for 2 Thru tracks.
This way I can stack multiple effects tied to scenes.

I’d like to add more live looping into the mix.
After watching your video, I finally understand the best way to use parts for re-sampling.


Absolutely! I think this will be great for a lot of people that think the Octatrack is too complex. The OT is so flexible, and can be used in many, many ways. But sometimes you just want something you can switch on and jam away.

Congrats, this looks very well thought out. I’ll give it a spin soon.


I love to hear that! Happy to help

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This looks very well put together :+1:

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Thank you! I am updating it to 1.1 today with some FX improvements.


Wow…a great reason to fire up my new old mk1 when I’m back home!

That’s must have been some work…


still is, haha. I think you’ll enjoy it!


This looks really fun. I do wonder if there would be a way to use these effects on internal tracks? I’m working on a set-up (forever ongoing project) where I can make technoish stuff with the internal tracks of the OT, then transition trick record into next pattern/part. I’m almost there actually, and would love to incorporate a bunch of these effects. Been checking out the development of your project for a while and have been wondering. Looks amazing tho. Good work.


For this template that’s not really a great idea. I do have a similar template that has 2 flex tracks for sampling/sample playback. It is a similar workflow but does not include a lot of the more exciting FX this template has.

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Love both templates, the old one with 2 Flex-Machines which I changed to one Flex- and one Static-Machine and the new template. Pure Fun together with DT & DN! Thanks for your effort EZBOT!


I am going to do an update to the 2 Free Flex Template soon.


Cool. I’m watching this thread. :pray:

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Hi, is it possible to still use the midi tracks with the performance template?


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Absolutely :+1:

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oooh nice one thanks EZBOT! Love your videos will definitely be giving this a good watch :ok_hand:



One of the things I love about the OT is how versatile it is - we all use it a little differently, but sometimes watching videos like this makes me feel like I’m sleeping on it!


I would also be very interested in this. In my ideal template I would sacrifice some fx, and instead use the OT for sample playback as well.

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