I have Octatrack, A4 mk2, Syntakt, Digitone, as well as Monomachine and Machine Drum.
I got a digitakt and decided its strangely a bit too easy to use and am thinking that Rytm Mk2 might be better for me as its both sampler and analog drum machine
percentage wise how close is the Digitakt to Rytm in the sampler sense. The only downside to Rytm I can see is it only has 1 LFO per track, 2 if you use the FX track.
Sounds like you might have a lot of cross over with the other gear you have, personally. The Syntakt gives you some analog drum voices right - what are you looking for that the Rytm will add?
Hey if something isn’t challenging you, dig deeper until you find what you are looking for in that respect. I fully endorse you selling a DT for a Rytm MK2.
lol, yes Digitakt is obviously easy work with, possibly the easiest but there isnt any thing to learn after the first 30 minutes of using it. That could be a great thing for most people…
I guess I like the fact the sampling and analog drums are in one box
I wouldn’t go that far. Sure, the Rytm would be better with another one, but you can get a lot done with one. Doesn’t seem to hold people back from making good music with the Rytm (or “some kind of” music in my case).
You do have velocity modulation. You can set 4 parameters that will change with the velocity. If you use the pads that’s nice to have. Unfortunately, for some reasons you can’t set the LFO destination to be the velocity. A 2d LFO would be useful of course.
Aside from the analog engine, you do get an FX track, accent trig, slide trig, performances/scenes and 12ish tracks (you can always see it as 8 tracks with 4 extra switchable tracks).
analog compressor and overdrive are great too.
You can CC a lot of things and especially the performances(that’s huge) and velocity so you could go very far by using your other MIDI enabled Elektron’s boxes
PLEASE add a second LFO . its great mangling the sounds with LFO/ delay etc but then to be able to add the second LFO to pan the sounds would just top it off
here is my first attempt
Yep. Match channels on your OT MIDI Track and AR Track. If you’re using the Arp, avoid the bottom octave because AR will forward notes received there to other Track channels.