Thinking of going back in the box

For me it really depends. I started with a Volca FM, and few months later I downloaded FL11, and my ex borrowed me a MIDI Keyboard of her father, for me at first glance a DAW was very overwhelming but I had a lot of fun with it and discovering things, so later I sold my volca FM and bought a Monologue, and in that moment i really started to enjoy synths, because the volca was very difficult and I barely could know what it was happening when i tried make some patches.

So I was some time making mostly hip-hop and experiments with the DAW (Some months later I moved on to Ableton) and the monologue and I was very happy with my set up, but i felt some lack of creativity and live improvisation, so I got a Maschine Jam but I didn’t enjoy the workflow and I sold it.

Right now I have a nice set up OTB, mainly for produce Tekno, but i really appreciate the possibilities that a computer give me. For me the computer it’s nice and I really like to use it for make hip-hop for example, it’s really fast and i get the workflow, but for another genres it’s annoying, all depends your approach and what you want

For example all Tekno I made, it’s only for enjoy myself, and play it at raves, and I can assure that for me go to my bed and turn on the machines it’s something like a medicine that i really need, and put my very happy.

So you can see the music as differents paths, you only have to choose what you enjoy, more.

I really enjoy too make some sketchs on the DT and later with OB, produce music whith the possibilities that a computer give me, and I can assure if i could hook up all my set up in a easy way to the computer I would make more music there, but right now due a few things i don’t have the possibilitie.

So for me music it’s the biggest part of my life, for one hand i have my hardware, I can play with it and see it like a toy, i don’t really care if i didn’t make a track in a long time because for me it’s having fun and that involve a lot of different things, make patches, study how people made some patches that i downloaded, make experiments and later use that knowledge to finally make a track, involves a lot of differents ways to have fun.
And on another hand I have a computer and I can record/compose songs there when I feel fine with it, and use it for mixing, and finalize tracks.

For me, music it isn’t about being productive because it is not my work, it’s have fun. I could get rid of all my hardware an except the DT (I really enjoy make there all my drums), and make all my music ITB and still be productive but I would be missing the other half of what music it’s for me.

Edit: Sorry for my bad english, I keep learning it


Dem Volcas… more like Volcrack, right?

If I’m being honest, nowadays, all I need is my OT and my Monologue. Potential upgrade: replace the Mono by a Mini because resampling to do chords gets old fast, and a decent audio interface. And that’s it.

And yet…

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Are you my cat?


Maybe in another life!

Aphex Twin is to blame! Putting his gear list on his album cover made everyone think they need a shit ton of gear to make tunes.
For shame Richard…for SHAME. :rofl: hahaha



soundcloud is so far out of reach for me but bandcamp … there are plenty of tracks I’ve discovered and I’m willing to pay for it … it somehow works out for me in a pleasant way

but back on topic

youtube? maybe people want to be discovered or recognized, i don’t know … i don’t think this would be a medium for me to expose myself as they do

above 40 years ? :wink:

all the time … you are right, just think about given birth into this world -> you are essentially starting to cry -> just to get back into the box

I think Elektron ultimately felt about it when they thought about the Overbridge … as the name says … they fill the gap with a bridge :alien:

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Walking a fine line with that one…HAHAHA

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Yes true, although he does not use Elektron, it is all classic gear

Yes no Elektron on that specific list. But he does not use only classic gear. Example: latest live set shows A little euro case with make noise etc and obvi mucking with Korg making banks and polyend. So…

If dude could just calm down and use 4 pieces and help set a good example for people. Lead by example right?

(a reply made purely in jest of course :slight_smile: )

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The “happy accident” factor when using hardware is very important to me. It inspires to try random things, move around, hook up devices to see how it sounds. More often than not I end up with a unique sound or loop that will give character to the track, defining it. I enjoy this process and the results are gratifying.


By necessity I need to keep an ITB setup so I can collaborate on tracks with a friend remotely (more important than ever right now). We both started out making electronic stuff with Reason 3.0 and it’s Reason, albeit a newer version, that we’ve gone back to. It’s actually forcing me to not use any hardware, which is tough.

Like Alessandro Cortini, I don’t have a tune in my head when I start. It all comes from messing around with sound until a melody or texture really stands out. I find that process far easier and more engaging with hardware. Taking an initial idea further and arranging a track I find more natural in a DAW but 90% of the time I take inspiration from hardware.


he uses a rytm.
and a 300 euro yamaha reface dx in recent shows, and telling it‘s one of his favvorite keyboards :slightly_smiling_face: he should try a digitone :upside_down_face:

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I love that John Cleese clip where he talks about creativity. I think he says to be creative you need time, and then you need time. Which is to say, really give yourself some time.

People always save up to travel, to buy gear, to buy a house or a car. But I love this idea applied - saving up to buy yourself some time. Creative time. Save up for a year so you can just have a solid 6 months of freedom. A bit off topic, but maybe related. Sometimes it’s not about what you use, but the focus and freedom you have around it.


I had the same feeling. started making shit on Fruity Loops 1 or 2.0 and was very inspired and produced lot of things only with my PC, without soundcard or midi keyboard. Then started to buy gears and my inspiration dropped. Software became more and more complexe and I didn’t find my way of puting things together. I bought and sell tons of synth, until I found the Digitakt and started to work only with it. My creativity come back since I mastered the tool I use (and not using tons of hardware). For the DAW, I found Studio One 4 the easiest and most creative one to work with and finish tracks.
What I remember from my journey: Less is more, Small is beautiful, Knowledge is power :wink:


Yeah, the more I think about returning to a really minimal setup, the more I find it appealing. OT + a synth I would learn inside out, that would double as a midi keyboard + an audio interface, and that’s it. No “but I might re-use that one day, and this for couch noodling etc.”. Just the core.

So I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to Reason 11 suite for less than the price of an open box BS2.

So. Much. Power.


OT+DN would fit.

I use the following ITB/OTB hybrid workflow, I think it’s near perfect for my needs:
Ableton Live (sample preparations) -> USB -> OT+DN -> DJ mixer -> Tascam Recorder -> Wavelab.

Pure awesomeness. No more multi-tracking, just prepare stuff properly, practice live mixing and have the tools for precise repairs if needed.


DN could be an option, yeah. I was investigating the Minilogue XD as an allrounder and the occasion to learn some keys as well, but DN might be a good idea.

For me, one of the major things that has kept me away from DAWs, and Logic Pro in particular, is the steep learning curve.

Tonight I finished the Logic Pro workbook that I decided to study as a “lockdown project” and I’m honestly super psyched to give ITB a proper try now. If anyone is looking for a basic primer on Logic Pro, I highly recommend this book.

If you are already a pretty advanced user, it’s probably something you can skip, but I learned a ton and this will be a great reference book to keep on my desk. I’m on vacation for five days starting tomorrow and I’m super psyched to get a music project going!