This forum is not fun to use

“too cool for school”, “a triumph of style over substance”, “all pants and no puff” are some phrases that spring to mind - they could seriously replace this in a matter of days with some cheap open source kit and some willing minds.

But on a positive note those rounded gradient reply buttons are pretty damn sexy…

^ this, and maybe use some of those resources to answer support tickets. I filed a ticket a few days ago and have yet to get a simple acknowledgement.

However, I don’t know how this forum was built. It may very well be built on top of a forum engine, heavily customized / skinned.

I hate to agree but do

What was the point of changing it? Why?

It’s slow clunky, and I had to re-register for no reason. Reminds me of the harmony central disaster.

I like the new forum’s look and feel, a forum activity tab is also there (I don’t need much more), but I’m quite bored of the range of topics being discussed at the moment. new machines, a lot of wishes what the machines should do, people selling gear, the same noob questions over and over again (replies differ, though, which can make those threads very interesting).

Where are all these “discover the scope of elektron machines” kind of threads? sandbox posts with white noises, a4 synthesis tricks etc. however, there’s still enough interesting “ground noise” (1 thread within 50, mostly OT-related) to have an incentive to at least frequently read through the forum.

Come on, let’s discuss more about workflows with the machines, new approaches to live sets, special tricks, sandbox stuff etc.

Pretty much feel the same as the OP, I think there are much less posts per day compared to the old forum, possibly because posting is a bit of a chore? Also the styling, whilst quite slick is very different in looks to the Elektron site/image.

I do hope that Elektron will continue to improve it, some of the features are very nice, but also we lost some stuff like post stats, and the ability to click on the last post in a thread, seeing previous posts when replying etc.

+1 w/ everything said. seems mostly form that doesn’t lead to function. the search functions stinks. i have better luck google searching for content.

sorry going to have to agree, this forum is terrible

music is just a hobby for me, tech is the career and forums have come a long ways over the years

the old standards are still good, vbulletin, ipboard, etc etc…

however, there are some really nice ones now…no need to invent your own or use something inferior

check out discouse:

or if you have some dough, check out lithium:

…at the very least, fix the search function, that would make things fine IMO

i love this forum and love coming here reading all the threads, browsing users profiles, listening to their music in the play bars

here and there it could be better

but without it I wouldn’t be where I am now after 1 month of A4 (and a bit more MD)

keep up the good work and time the admins invest and biiiiiig thanks to everybody who shared knowledge

peace and love music lovers

btw: thanks fixing the search function

Completely agree with OP on all points. Elektron-Users, although old, was just fantastic to use compared to this.

yes, it definitely helps that the search is fixed now

I do not visit this forum as frequently because it is such a displeasure to use.

Just use a gold standard like phpbb.


It’s like for every problem that it fixed eu (didn’t like that either)…it added a new one. The dynamic loading html is really crappy and makes navigating back to page (new posts) such a pain.

I’ve said all this before - we all have…but I’m just not interested in being here anymore.

do it. start it. resurrect the sandbox competition. (just don’t put the rules up for discussion. that led to inaction.)
what made EU great was the user base, the community, the people. i’m not here anymore because so many of the people that i loved on EU are gone, literally and figuratively, but there are others that feel like you on this board and would probably join in a sandbox. be a leader and start something! =]

I think I’ve said it before but you can put me in the ‘not a fan of the new forum’ camp.

As another poster said, there are loads of other forum/BB platforms out there that are far better than this one. Can’t really understand the decision to settle on the one Elektron did.

I really only use the forum activity tab to browse. The main forum page is a bit uninviting to navigate, and I like going directly to the last unread post in a thread.

I get the impression the forum was designed for massive monitors with huge resolution but that doesn’t translate well to smaller devices. We need to be able to see the whole list of topics on one page and some perspective on post activity besides a red dot would be nice. Also, sorry to say it but I just don’t like the red lettering. It bugs my eyes.
All in all though, I think the current forum format would work well with a few usability tweaks and of course some scaling so everything isn’t so spread out.
Oh, and just to add my +1 on the pages load too slow!!

yeah this. it is the only thing i do on this forum, refresh the activity page, goto unread posts of interest, rinse repeat.
what’s worse than normal posting though are PMs :slight_smile:

no RSS feed for forum threads is a total killer for me. i’ve hardly been on here since EU shut down.

this has 2 outcomes:

  1. i’m ‘wasting’ less time scanning the forum instead of music makign (a plus!)

  2. i feel less involved in the elektron community, which i really enjoyed at EU (a negative)

Thanks for all the thoughts/suggestions! There’s a lot of valuable feedback in this thread. Elektronauts is an ongoing project - and we will try our best to continously improve it.

This is something we will try to address: making the site design more responsive.

I have the bad feeling that any newcomer would be pretty discouraged from posting output from her/his gear - just take a look at the number of posts/people who regularly check/respond into the section “Our music”.

Personally, I expected so much more and were happy to share stuff some weeks ago - now I found out that it was not the right place. I just don’t get it - so reputable brand, producing tremendously creative and sophisticated musical instruments has got this forum which is not what I understand by “interesting”. There is no much of creative interaction imo, low forum activity.

Sorry to say it but I do not feel more popularised, supported or encouraged since have moved to this forum. Probably I am criticising too severely, as I had some real “Elektron” expectations.

If Elektronauts was some sort of a real separate platform, ment to be for Elektron artists exclusively, promoting all of them equally, that would have been great! Sharing output is at horribly slow pace which does not reflect the large and talented Elektron community all over the world.