This forum is not fun to use

Yeah, I too find this a bad step backwards from ElektronUsers. It still looks like a product website, from the font to the excess of whitespace to the enormous dominance of graphical elements. It’s rather dispiriting as it feels like none of the substantive complaints since the launch have been addressed, with only minor tweaks to marginal things.

you are right. it just doesn’t seem like it’s focused on content and discussion. it needs to be a bit more utilitarian and less fancy pants

The new forum blows.The only way to fix it is to scrap this whole new forum and start with a “normal” forum layout.They could even import every thread from the old users forum if they did it properly!!

  • and we will try our best to continously improve it.

Try starting it over again from scratch!

There really needs to be a button to go to the original post from a quote.

Can we please merge this back with the original Elektron forum?closing that one down was a giant mistake.
This forum has a horrible layout.
It is likely the slowest forum I have ever used.
Photos do not load on pages.
The search function is broken and not functioning properly.
The list go’s on!
The worst thing is this is the only active Elektron forum!So there is no other current option.The last forum worked great.Why mess up a good thing?!!

It’s even worse on a mobile phone.

I really think this forum sucks too. The search function is of a level of crappiness to the point that it is better to say it is actually broken. Whenever I have a problem with my Octatrack I cannot find any topic related to the search I’ve done and I have to scroll endlessly through every post that exist inside threads that aren’t even related and Google is not usable for these forums either… It really is driving me mad. Why not use a forum like phpbb or something else that does work well. This might look fancy but it sure works like sh*t.

I agree. This forum has been performing very very poorly since day 1 and there has been a lot of feedback concerning these issues and nothing has been fixed since.

We have arrived in 2015 and this forum feels like being on the internet in 1998.

Common people, prioritize and fix this. If you cannot make a custom forum work like it should just go back to a standard forum that at least works well but doesn’t have the fancy styling (although you could still come a long way with any standard forum software).

To my knowledge Elektronauts was created to add control that wasn’t available on the elektron-users forum. It might have control now but it has lost everything else…

No you all don’t understand.

The limitations in the forum are there for your BENEFIT. To expand your creativity. You see now, little children?

To ask for change at YOUR pace would be rude. If you don’t like it you should just go somewhere else and leave us slap happy angels of devotion alone to fawn like Madonnas over the Electron baby Jesus.

I’m pretty sure that the old webmaster / admin Actuel dying didn’t help.

I preferred the old EU forum too, mainly because there was a good 6+ years worth of tips and techniques to search through and potentially revive if necessary.

If Elektronauts’ search function also searched through E-U’s database (and had those sweet-ass :lvl: smileys) it would be a great improvement.

Yeeeah… Well, it could be a lot worse, but with iOS there’s a few annoying problems. You often have to click stuff two times to open a link, probably an issue where the first tap puts ‘focus’ on e.g. A frame, and the second tap actually opens the link…

The other problem is that for some reason pushing ‘back’ on a mobile browser results in this weird double take, where it kind of jumps back and forth before actually showing a functional page. Odd.

On iOS I find the forum unusable for posting, it is ok (barely) for reading posts though, far too much wasted space, and it looks very odd, the frames are a big part of the problem I think.

On windows with chrome it is not too great either, I am not going to change my browser just to use one non standard forum, so that is why I am way less active here than the old forum, I often read posts and want to reply, but unless I am on my computer then it is just not worth the hassle, and even if I am on the computer I can not refer back to the post because a huge area of wasted space and the reply window are all that is visible.

Another really weird decision is that you cannot get preview of DMs in your email, so you have to log in to see the message, maybe they are going for the retro feel, but in 1994 eveyone was on dialup so there was a good reason, not today.

It seems that quite a large percentage of users are ok with the forum how it is, but plenty are not, will it change? I very much doubt it. A shame.

If a new unofficial Elektron users forum appeared I think this one would be a dead duck.

Not sure what happened but I can no longer view pics… Nothing has changed still using the same browser as before…

True, using this forum is like driving and old car that has several quirky issues, and a small engine. The search function potentially being one of the most important features, and also the most broken and unusable.

I wonder if Elektron ignores it because most of what gets posted seems to be repeats of the same old questions (where a usable search function would be of great use), and complaining.

This forum doesn’t have the same vitality of the old forum, but I believe it’s due to a drastic change in the user base, and also because everyone has more technology (including electronic music gear), which means they are spending less time focused on one bit of gear, and one forum. Since Elektron has grown and gathered a more mainstream following, their user base has become infinitely more “connected”, and the result is shortened attention spans for any online interaction. People are so overly stimulated and entertained that they generally seem more interested in just gathering nuggets of information, and then quickly bouncing on to other sources of consumption. Plus it seems like a lot of “musicians” are really focused on how they can sell tracks (because today’s connected environment makes it so easy), rather than just experimenting and having fun for the fun of it. The old EU forum was in its prime before the internet became ubiquitous, and before the hardware synth renaissance had begun.

I think it would be super cool if Elektron hired a free agent to redesign this forum, and payed them with an Elektron machine (or two)! It would be a minimal cost for Elektron, and a huge boost for the user community.

That’s quite an elaborate theory (what you smoking anyway?! ;] ) - but I think the simplest is also pretty applicable:
If the site sucks, people won’t use it.

I’ve only been here a few weeks and never was on the old forum, but lately I’ve had no issues with this site. I access it only on my iPad, and everything seems to work the way it should. Haven’t tried search though.
The speed is VASTLY improved from when I first started coming here, these days it isn’t any slower than any other site.

I’ve bookmarked the Analog Four subforum (since it’s the only Elektron machine I own), but almost every time I try to access the link, I am redirected to the news page. Is this happening for anyone else?

Thank you for the unexpected laughter, this is hilarious. :imp:
To the original topic, my gosh… the editor makes three copies of stuff while ignoring all attempts at formatting. Sometimes after a few attempts at editing to get the paragraphs right I’ll just give up and delete.

Ah man I try. I’m never really too serious :slight_smile: