This forum is not fun to use

Very happy with this forum - but I’m an old fart - so no high expectations.- and easely impressed…

lots more fun with the increased speed! … too few MD / MM threads :sob: … also there seems to be less bickering all of a sudden … bitch complain corner seems not so necessary anymore, does it ?

things got definitely better although as Baddcr mentions, iOS is still a bit problematic, especially when trying to ‘right click’ on a link, but i’m taking it as: my fingers are too big :smiley:
overall, the forum has improved a lot since its launch. hopefully it’ll only get better with time (which is true for many things :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Search feature is a joke. The rest is bearable I suppose.

I do like how it’s easy to see all new posts from all the sub forums at once by clicking on the forum activity link on the main page. I wish all forums had that.

I think it looks pretty nice and maintains a very consistent, if somewhat bland, feel. The chunky header at the top does suggest that the site is still in its “launch” phase, no pun intended.

There’s definitely some bugs with quoting in the editor and form elements being loaded in a weird way. And there do seem to be some around navigation, although I can’t remember specific examples which is totally unhelpful of me. Overall it feels unoptimized, like it’s using some really bulky Javascript libraries or hasn’t really configured them for performance, etc.

I’ve also felt like there’s something missing that I can’t put my finger on. But that might be more to do with the user base - I think a lot of social-oriented software feels that way when that’s the case. Like, maybe some personality types that were more prevalent on the old site are rarer here.

But there are some features I like, for example showing that big list of all the threads most recently posted in. If I’m trying to kill 5 minutes it’s easy to find something at least moderately interesting in there.

The forum is pretty good, loading times are allright for me. But the search engine could be improved with a “sort by date” option…

So, I was at lunch and wanted to respond to a post using my iphone, and it was such an incredible mess that I had to shut down my browser, because the layout prevented me from simply shutting down the tab. It’s THAT bad at mobile.

It was so frustrating that I was compelled to take time out of my day to suggest a fix. And now I see on this thread that people have been complaining since 2013! Wow

I am a web developer, so I know that this is simple SIMPLE stuff. You could fix this in an afternoon. Just use bootstrap, change some CSS. Boom.

And I’m not even talking about the god forsaken useless excuse for search here.

Or the fact that you don’t use https for login (wonder how many people have not noticed that and had their proper passwords stolen)

You should address these issues before another site pops up and steals your thunder.

Yep, totally FUBAR. That’s why I never post here.
Or even read the comments here.

I dislike this forum. Again. As before. As always.

Multiple quotes is broken. Has been since day one. Either fucks up, or just flag the topic as closed so you can’t post in it.

Been like this since day one… shouldn’t be a hard fix no?

Issue: Forum software automatically inserts whitespace prior to quoted users name/tag.

Example: Multiple quote in markup view:

In raw view / prior to posting resolves as this:

Fix: Script to remove whitespace contained within square brackets prior to database insert.

I actually really dislike posting on this forum, I can only assume that it has not been tested with Google Chrome on Windows or iOS because quite frankly it is dreadful, Chrome is the most popular web browser, so quite strange. I can’t really be bothered to write out a list of all the faults, but if anyone at Elektron cares to test it then you will see them. The most glaring one is the huge and bizarre amounts of empty wasted space.

I prefer this to the cacophony that is most sites, like KVR for example. I use google and have no problems with this forum. It could use a speed boost, but aesthetically I find it pleasing.

However, I tend not to write essays, or multi-quote multiple posts, and stuff like that. I’m a minimalist user of the forum, if you will, and it works fine in that case.

To my taste, the monome-related forum Lines is a great example of a forum done right.

That’s just off the shelf software (Discourse). I don’t think they’ve done much to it outside of adding a logo. I think most of the technical problems with Elektronauts stem from not using something third party. I could be totally wrong about that of course, but that’s the impression I get with my web developer hat on.