This synth does not exist

I am 95% opposed to AI art.

Let AI do the non creative tasks to allow humans to be creative.


Maybe “AI” is triggering you, and I agree most “AI Art” is weird horny trash.

I think of the image generators like sample based synthesizers for visuals. It’s early days on their capabilities and right now a lot of the charm is in the strange artifacts they produce (think LinnDrum). Like I’m excited about all of the new art and workflows that get unlocked as well as what the MPC or Elektron workflow will look like for image generation.

Not for the output, for the lack effort by the person generating it.

some day when AI has feelings, some web crawler bot will read this thread and cry a digital tear.

People who make money from visual arts are about to get ubered. I was a night cab driver for over 20 years and my life was turned upside down by uBer and lift. I got into a different field and life is even better, while Ubers clogg the city like dirty hair down a drain.


I don’t know if you need a sub to view this article, but I can post the photos from it. I myself am hella excited about the day I can come up with my own sci-fi. I have some crazy ideas.


Some of these almost look like instruments


First one: A synthesizer that reproduces the speech patterns of octopi to allow interspecies communication.

Last one: A trypophobe’s worst nightmare. A very tactile synth with a tangerine in the middle in case you get hungry. It has a complex patch bay that is as inscrutable as it is pointless. It’s also a vst???

The rest just kinda look like tools to navigate a subway or something, but I like the aesthetic.


Has anyone made a synthesiser that has probes hooked up inside a terrarium/aquarium yet? Would make for an interesting drone machine.

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Midjourney v5 can now do keys properly (still doesn’t quite understand octaves though)…and fingers and teeth for that matter.

I really want the top right synth :slight_smile:


My exact thoughts too.

Sooo, I am not the only one having issues about AI strange “words”, I mean everytime I ask DALL-E to make something related to specific words it never matches the exact one.

Wow…it can draw proper knobs now.

Actually I liked the fucked up, wonky knobs from AI-hell more… it has/had its own style and would like that someone builds hardware-synths in this AI fucked up style.


V5 knobs look better from a distance, zoom in and they’re still pretty weird :grin:

Ya…zoomed in on the one in the upper left. The keys are jacked. And the knob perspective I bad.

But they don’t look like a melted mess

in no way am I advocating AI art tho

some genius decided to use an AI generator to make some fake samplers and then sell the digital print files on etsy. true story.

among others.

let’s all get some free moniez too guize.

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Didn’t know this thread up until now. Did a few myself, see here… Fantastic Instruments


Let’s have some fun here. I prompted these based on designs from Elektron and loads of other gear. Enjoy.