Thoughts on the future for the MD?

You could argue that a device that has been fully superseded by an improved version that contains the entire feature set of the earlier version (eg Mk1 MD vs Mk2 MDUW+) might be considered obsolete. Only in terms of features and functionality of course, not as an instrument in its own right.

Of course, it is not unusual that “new & improved” versions of things remove, change or replace some aspect of the earlier version that was (unintentionally or unwittingly) desirable or preferable.

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You should take the advice I gave to Waelter up there

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Are hammers obsolete? Blades? Lenses?

Lack of creativity is obsolete.

Are you US? I’m about to order parts to build a couple new ones for myself and a studiomate. I can build another if ya want.
Only have to pay for parts, your own arduino, and get the case printed. Will do the labor/build for free.
PM me if interested.

Sadly a lot of people in this thread are wrong (especially @heckadecimal) it is super obsolete, the Roland D2 basically outgunned and outclassed all digital drum machines in the last 2 centuries.

You could bin your old Machinedrums or donate them to me and I can make sure they will be put down humanely.


I’ll trade you my D2 for your MC303

Fine I’ll send mine over.

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I bought an mc-303 for 60 bucks on ebay about 7 years ago. I ended up giving it to a friend because at the time I foolishly thought that monomachine was better.

The monomachine doesn’t even have a slap bass sample!

Fortunately I sold the monomachine for a grand total of $800 and have been haunted by that for years now.



I couldn’t do that to any friend of mine. I legit threw mine out, but now im missing 120 ever-so-useful presets from my bag-o-beats.
Thing is literally a step down from a timbrewolf :-1:

? You kid/joke? obsolete? psh. They did make the Octatrack and I’d say it does everything the match-chine (think cheech saying it) drum can do if you just get the right samples and soooooooo…HA HA! ? I don’t know what I’m saying, this thread is just, wha?

its crazy to think that if Elektron were to release the Machinedrum again tomoro, no changes, maybe just a slight facelift, it would sell like absolute hotcakes

this is a pretty good point to consider.

MD not die because it have sysex!


wow how have i not seen this before. did you make this?

the concept sew is based on this max msp module which was reworked by me for MD


when is the Machinedrums birthday? i know it’s twenty (!?) sometime this year or next…

Some time this year. 2001 was the release of the OG MK1 SPS-1
SOS wrote it up in their Jan of 2002 issue.

UW version dropped in 2005, ages ago.
Still a fantastic instrument.

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I’ve owned two MD…MKI and MKIIUW…they absolutely are fun to use. But in use in the studio it begins to feel a little dated and even sound a little dated. If I had one I’d absolutely be using it. I’d never pay the asking prices they are fetching used though.

If it is a future classic the Behringer will clone one day 10 years from now? I’ve no idea. But we are absolutely spoiled for choice, quality and price point on drum machines and frankly damn near everything else. The basic sound of the MD on its own is…I don’t want to say played out…because mf’s still love some 808 and 909 (myself included)…but its a vibe.

Analog Heat is real good at getting the MD sound out of its own box. Everything gets thicker and UW samples sound more modern.

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+1. My MD saw a whole new life opening up when I paired it with an EHX tube distortion pedal to pump up and roughen up its digital sound. Gets real nasty and crunchy. AH of course also works great.