Thru track no sound problem

He said he already checked sources.

Is there a muted Neighbor track after the Thru track?

Do you have a locked delay on the Thru track (or on the following Neighbor) with send > 0? (Or send = 0 actually…)

Somebody mentioned Scenes; that’s a possible source of this kind of confusion. Did you make sure this is not Scene related?

Finally, if you could post a video that shows what you have, or share the project, maybe someone could see what’s wrong. I’m still pretty sure it’s user error.

I love it how there are so many options for what the culprit is and people still think of more. The power of the OT! Using a fresh project is essential as there are so many potential problems to check.

[li]Play audio from the MB (check output is working and cables are ok using another sound source, i.e. headphones)[/li]
[li]Start a new project[/li]
[li]Connect MB to AB inputs[/li]
[li]Check the AB input LEDs light up when you play the MB[/li]
[li]Check audio thru working by increasing AB DIR in the mixer page[/li]
[li]Assuming it is set up your thru track on track 1[/li]
[li]Source of INAB should be set to AB in Thru track main page[/li]
[li]Place a trig on note 1[/li]
[li]Press play[/li]
[li]Play your MB[/li]

If the above fails, try using another sound source rather than the Brute.

This is incorrect. The recording setup menu has nothing to do with this. You probably meant the INAB on the thru track main page.

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D’oh, you’re quite right, not had enough early morning coffee! Corrected my original post.

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Recorded this improvisation last night using Thru machine and others.

Track 1 - Thru Machine with Filter (unused - FX1 default) and Plate Reverb in FX2 slot. Reverb time set long so the FX in Track 2 swell after it.

Track 2 - Neighbor Machine (Track 1 as input) with LoFi in FX1, Delay in FX2. LoFi set to with BRR (Bit Rate Reduction) close to middle, ring mod section set up more like a tremolo effect.

Track 3 - Pickup Machine w/ Filter and Spring Reverb. Simple looper with LFO1 set to modulate pitch with Random waveform, LFO2 and LFO3 set to modulate filter width and Q respectively.

Track 4 - Flex Machine with Record Trigger, source set to Track 1 output, LoFi in FX1, Spring Reverb FX2. With the Record Trigger, this track is sampling Track 1 once every 16 steps of the sequencer. This track’s LoFi also has a moderate BRR setting, with the ring mod side set to sound more like ring mod.

Unfortunately, once I started recording I forgot to highlight the idea of distortion and bit crusher swelling after reverb or delay, as well as the other possible sounds.

Recorded in one take.

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Great Stuff

Your tip has worked for me, too! (Track and Play, only god knows why… :slight_smile:
It’s quite similiar to the behaviour of the pickup mchines…
Thanks for your comment!!

Cheers, Duumvir

i just had this problem and solved it somehow using a new project.

however, i’m confused since i got sound from CUE listening but not MAIN. i’m not prone to shouting BUGS! but this one seems pretty close. would there be any reason CUE sounding but not MAIN. (other main channels with same sounds (PUM) worked well.)

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Also just experienced this issue. I’ve got different songs on the same project, each song on its own bank. Some banks would be fine, but one would, when double-stopping to reset everything, completely cut the Thru audio. The input light would light up, the direct signal would work, and the Thru machine had the “Play” symbol next to it, so everything was in order. I tried literally everything in this thread, still no sound coming out. Changed cables, tried Master Out (I have it routed to Cue), still no sound.

So I copied over a Thru Machine from another bank that was working (one in which I could double-stop the song, and start, and Thru would work). Still no audio. So then I cleared all Track Trigs on the Thru Machine, for every Pattern within this Bank. Re-pasted the copied, working Thru from a different Bank, now it works. So, I can only deduce it was something to do with the Track Trigs. Hope this helps future people.

I know this thread is a 1,000 years old but in case you have the issue where you can see the level on the Thru track but can’t hear it…
Step 1 is Func + Rec 1 and make sure AB and CD (or whatever you are trying to monitor) are set as sources for the Thru track (eg. InAB is AB and InCD is CD). Step 2 hit the Rec button and make sure you have a Record Trig on the 1 (not sure if this is a bug or a feature but it’s necessary) Step 3 hit the SRC button for the Thru track and make sure AB and/or CD is set in here as well and with the level up full. You’re welcome