Thru track no sound problem

Hey guys iam seriously loosing my mind.Hooked up my microbrute to OT.Made an Thru track,cranked up mixer,choosen source when iam touching key led is blinking and i can hear sound…setting trig,pressing play -no sound :(!Why is it happening to me brotherz?

You have to insert a trig (grid record mode is fine), then play the trig with the sequencer in order to activate the Thru track. Yes, it’s inconvenient. OTOH, having the sequencer running allows you to use parameter locks (p-locks), LFOs, etc. to add some animation to your FX.

This is explained in the “Octatrack As Effects Processor” portion of the manual.

It also allows gating and plocking the sound which wouldn’t be possible if you didn’t trig the track.

thnx for the answers but ive inserted the trigger,still not working:(

Does your trck have “plays free” enabled?

just checked it and enabled it,still no sound,shiiit:(

I had similar problem at some point and pressing ‘track + play’ (at least I THINK it was that combo from memory…) solved it. No need for placing a trig unless you want to for plocks etc. That button combo makes a little ‘play’ arrow appear for the thru track and then the thru machine was audible for me. Not sure if this is exactly your problem or you may have already tried it, but hopefully it helps… I really need to reread the manual at some point. I can get OT to do everything I want now but I have no idea what half of it is called! Perhaps what I just described is the ‘plays free’ thing that you already tried…

Still no success:(

:confused: here’s the thread that helped me out. Doesn’t sound like it’ll be any use for you but maybe worth a read just in case if you didn’t already see it.

If you’re still struggling with this by the time I find, err… the time, I’ll make a crappy iPhone video of how to do it.

If all else fails, try creating a new Project, then follow the instructions in the manual (“Octatrack as effects processor”). If you’re trying to do this in an existing project, who knows what kind of settings f’d up your setup.

Thnx for help,would be nice if You could make an video for me,maybe theres a chance to solve it.Prefere to admit that im dump rather than my oT is f…cked;)

make sure you have the note length at 16 in playback page, attack & release to INF in amp page

are you getting signal led’s at the input?


I would check the active scene, sure that it does not accidentially mute the input, or filter it , or that the amp is modulated by the scene?

Don’t enable it, usually you don’t want that.
Just to be sure: you have selected your source on the playback page of the track?

yes.did it like milion times now…

Same thing drove me mad today…
If you solved it, please post your solution…

Someone offered a crappy video of that. I would be happy to take a look at this. :slight_smile:



i will let u know if i will sort it out,atm im helpless;(
one of the easiest things on OT causing so much trouble…

Yeah, that’s why I said try with a fresh Project first. If you add a Thru track to an existing Project and you can’t figure out why no sound is coming out, there are a million possible things you did by accident that fucked up your sound. When you are trying to solve a problem, you should eliminate as many variables as possible.

Create a new Project. Then you know for sure you don’t have a muted input, or a p-lock turning the amp all the way down, or other bullshit that’s killing your sound.

Then try following the instructions on Page 140 of the manual. The manual is a free downloadable PDF so there’s no excuse not have it.
That said, I will pretty much do as the manual says right now.

Ok, I think I figured out your problem. Look on Page A-1 of the manual.

The default of the Thru Machine is to set IN AB and IN CD to “-”. That means it ain’t listening to anything!

What you’ve got to do is set INAB or INCD to whatever you’ve got the synth plugged into.