tIB - mob - E-mu modular explorations

First explorations of an E-Mu modular system, something of a hybrid system with some vintage and repro’s/additions by way of Tony Wride’s Exclusively Analogue, who I believe is doing a 50 years of E-mu talk at the upcoming synthfest event in the UK.

Anyway, this is mostly raw E-mu power, occasionally joined by my MDUW doing the kind of things I like to do with my MDUW. Hopefully someone else enjoys these kinds of messes as much as I do (and did making them)… consider it two parts with an obligatory drone on the end.

Comments and discussion welcome as always - the set is available for download at bandcamp if you are so inclined.


What a sound!!
(And hello Andy, long time :slightly_smiling_face: )


Nils! Good mate thanks, hope all is well in your corner of the world?

Yeah it’s a big sounding thing alright - I’m very pleased with it!


All good over here :blush:

Please post a picture! And more sounds…
Emus are super rare, how did you get hold of something so rare?

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Basically I got very lucky…

There was a system listed on muffs (where I haven’t really been frequenting for some time) by someone I’ve dealt with a bit in the past at the same time I periodically checked in to see if I had messages…

I asked the question about trades and it turned out I had something he wanted… so after much deliberation my end, I finally jumped (flopped!) on it!

The rarity is interesting, since it seems there’s more E-mu in the UK than anywhere else now, thanks largely to Tony Wride who bought in a huge system some time back (pawn shop find in the states is part of a bigger/better story!) and subsequently befriended Dave Rossum and the rest of the crew, who donated a load of ‘scrap’ parts and PCBs…

Tony, who’s ridiculously experienced in terms of this kind of thing, has done something of a MEMS project on the format, servicing, finishing, reissuing and even releasing a couple of new functions to the system around his day job, from which he’s now retired. You can actually buy new repro systems now via him too - I’ll post a link below. Turns out he lives nearby too!

So yeah, I got lucky and now have a small ‘wing’ system, with a mostly original circuits, overhauled (new) panels and controls, alongside a few repros and a couple of new bits - two voice midi control being one of them.

It’s an interesting thing to patch, since there’s lots of normalling, built around two pre-patched voices, which can be taken anywhere you want. The oscillators, while somewhat basic outside the big one in terms of waveforms, sound huge, as do the filters. All of that stuff in the set is me just messing live as I get to know it… just jamming the system live.

I’ll see if I can find a pic…


Here you go - mine is pretty much this one with some changes to the bottom left, where it now has a two voice midi to CV in place of the mults and a cv-lfo in place of the blank.


Beautiful, @tib. Thank you for sharing the story and music!

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Wicked! Sounding great :+1:t2:

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Fantastic! E-mu is one of my holy grail systems from «way back». I was always under the impression it was a bit more advanced and containing unique functions compared to the Moogs of the day. And it just looks so great.

Your system looks nicely laid and very capable. Tony Wride - I remember the name. Was he behind the Exclusively Analogue stuff?

Congrats mate, I’m envious :grinning:


My knowledge of Moog modular isn’t that good, but yeah, there were some funky digital sequencing tricks and it’s all very well thought out/put together in its own way. Might be the big sounding multiturn oscillators, but the thing it reminds me of is the synthi I played for 10 minutes or so.

Here’s a good story: I read that some of the modules (like the filters) were born of trying to match specifications of other systems (in this case oberheim iirc) which turned out to be false measures! Apparently Dave and the team obsessed over pushing for those numbers, achieved it and later discovered they had gone far beyond the original designs, as the numbers weren’t true!

Yeah that’s the same Tony Wride - if you bought a 303 in the UK when acid house broke he probably imported it! Some good stories to be had there.

Thanks Nils - if it ever leaves me I’ll keep you in mind, though lord only knows how I’d get it to you… We’d probably need to talk (pilot) Tony into dusting of his hat!

Ha. Yeah I also read that the specs compared to other systems of the time were much better on the E-mu.

Awesome, pease do!

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