Tidal Streaming Service for Sampling?

I’m toying around of switching from Spotify for enjoyment and going over to tidal and sampling the higher audio quality from the headphone out into my Digitakt. It seems like the output SHOULD be better? I was just wondering if anyone could confirm?

I tried tidal. sampling wise, not the best ui for digging.
Sound quality, i tried the hifi streaming- i stayed with apple music.

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Apple Music with a dragonfly red for DAC and sample away. Make sure you are in wi fi and you should be good. Tidal shift mode can be choppy at times, but the last time I used it was in 2015 for a month.

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Does Apple Music offer better sound than Spotify? Is Spotify strictly mp3?

Theyre the same, but I would recommend getting a DAC like dragonfly to upscale the audio and a cable to split the headphone line into left and right 1/4” cable.

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Always hated the results of upscaling. It introduces weird artifacts. “Downscaling” through analogue mediums like preamps or vinyl has always been more pleasing musically from experience.

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