TM-1 alternative for loading samples to machinedrum UW

Hi there,

I recently purchased a machinedrum mkII UW. The purchase did not include the TM-1 so currently I am unable to load any samples on to my machinedrum.

Does anybody have any tried and tested suggestions for a cheap alternative to the TM-1. I am only interested in transferring samples via USB to the machinedrums midi input.

I purchased one of these

thinking it would do the job but I can only use it to send midi clock from machinedrum to computer, doesn’t seem to be able to send samples to the machinedrum.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, can’t wait to get some samples loaded to my machinedrum!!

It could be that this adapter will work. What settings have you established in the C6 software? Does the adapter work when you try connecting your computer to any other MIDI gear?

Thanks for the reply, I think the midi adapter does work. I can use it to send the midi clock from the machinedrum to ableton and vice versa, just doesn’t seem to be able to send sysex sampels from c6. I am using the default settings on c6 and have tried playing around with them too.

I came across another post from a while back on here somewhere, someone with same problem, found it was that model that couldn’t send samples. Said they had tried another type and it had worked, but didn’t mention which one.

Just wondered if anyone had any luck with different midi converters that cost less than the TM-1. Around £30 or less…?

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How cool would it be to have a SD card slot on the Machinedrum where you could store samples/patches/kits.

So I have my MnM, and I downloaded the sound packs, updates, etc. I downloaded C6. No issues there. But, I don’t have a midi interface. I was looking at the TM-1, but it’s kind of pricey compared to other midi interfaces.

A.) Is it worth the cost?
B.) Is there a cheaper alternative?


well, depends on what u r looking for…
tm-1 is nice to have when u r uploading samples to machinedrum…10times the speed of midi dump when using the turbo feature…i dunno if its of any use with the monomachine, since i dont own one…syx is not an issue for me…personally i dont care if the syx upload take 10 sec instead of 1…but when when uploading samples it does make a difference…sure there are cheaper interfaces especially when u look out for used ones…115$ is not a bargain for a 1in1out interface. it only makes a difference when your machine is supporting the “turbo” protocol.

btw its a pretty solid build and i never had any issues with it…its plug and play…no driverterrorinstallwontworkonyourOSkindash**

despite all the rant about releasing overbridge or os updates, elektron is a really nice company, always up to support you as far as they can…cool machines, quality build and focused on artists needs…so personally i spend a few dollars more than needed and keep these things to be continued… :wink:

i used to have one, and while it was a nice/well made midi interface, i already had a couple of others, so decided to sell it.

if you want a sleek looking interface and/or are going to use the turbo protocol, go for it.


The MD snares are pretty good IMO.
I would advise to spend a lot more time on this chapter ^^

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FYI TM1s are still available to buy new from some dealers, I bought one of the last MDUWmkII+ from Elektron and was surprised that no TM1 was included, I put a WTB ad in the marketplace section, but ended up buying one new from a UK dealer for £71, pricey yes, but 10x quicker sample transfer.

So I recommend that you track one down if you plan on adding many samples, as SDS is pretty slow without turbo mode and there is lots of room for samples on the +drive.


It’s pricey, but solid and reliable.

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^Oh yeah, wouldn’t be without it :slight_smile:

Is this a fact? I just opened the box of One of the last batch of new MD MK2 UW+ and there was also no TM-1 included in the box.

I thought someone might have opened the box and take it. Everything else looked untouched and in perfect condition.

Hi.does any one else use anything apart from a tm1 to transfer sysex files to there monomachine. Any good alternatives to the tm1. Thanks

I use the TM-1, but any MIDI interface should work. The only downside is no Turbo MIDI.


Yep as said any interface should work. I use my Scarlett 18i20. I guess it’s kinda “slow” (takes a couple minutes to transfer waveforms and snapshots) but I don’t mind. It’s not like I’m in a hurry while it’s happening.

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For the monomachine I don’t think the turbo midi should make much difference I’m guessing as the sysex files are small.have been looking for a tm1 but would prefer a cheaper alternative.cheers for reply :+1:

Only the TM-1 will send Autechre sysex. :wink:

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Yeah I’m not to bothered about speed for the might just get a cheap alternative.have been looking for a tm1.Cheers for reply

I thought only magic did autechre sysex :grinning::grin: