TM 1 interface with MIDI hub

Hi everybody,

I’m trying to insert the TM1 interface into my home studio setup. The fact is that I have all my gear’s midi running into a midisport 8x8 device so also the MD it is, and is a little pain in the ass disconnecting and connecting the midi cables from it, every time I want to load samples using the TM1 interface, so I tried to insert it into the midisport too, but it seems that in this case I can load samples into the MD but turbo mode does not work, is something I’m doing wrong or is the fact that making a chain makes turbo mode not working?


The problem is simply that the Midisport does not implement the Turbo protocol. You will need to connect the TM-1 to your computer in order to transfer data at turbo speeds.


Sorry I forgot to mention how the chain is connected. The TM1 is connected via USB from computer and the midi IN/OUT are plugged to the midisport, also from midisport there is an OUT comming to the MD, so the fact is that the TM1 is pluged to computer, but maybe the chain computer>TM1>midisport>MD makes as you said that Turbo gets lost because of midisport?

Yes, the Midisport does not support the Turbo protocol. To get Turbo speed transfers you need computer - TM-1 - MD.


That’s what I thought, thanks Peter

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I thought Turbo mode (negotiate x10) on the TM-1 was only between Elektron machines for some reason.

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