
I know I am probably gonna get a straight yes cause you guys want these to sell! but will I benefit from having a TM-1? I am using ableton as the main brain of my studio and live rig. I want to keep on using Ableton but have the A4 in slave in such a way that allows me to use the sequencer to its full potential without midi clock jitters (Bad clock sync.)

Will the TM-1 solve the clock issue is my question?

I hope I’m not lying, but in my experience the TM-1 solves no clock-issues. It’s a very basic USB-to-MIDI device with a Turbo-Button to transfer Data (Samples, Settings etc) faster.

If you’d like to keep using Ableton as your brain, your best bet would be to look for audio-midi-clocks like Innerclock.

/ed. Such devices generate rock-solid midi clocks via audio-signals send from a vst hosted in your DAW.

Thanks for the response,

I found this:

Which seems to be the answer to all my problems, but I really cant afford the price tag at the moment. Seems a little extortionate!!

I thought the TM-1 could be a nice cheap answer to the issue.

If you don’t need super-accurate, jitter-free timing TM-1 is as good as pretty much any other USB-to-MIDI interface!

You’ll get more solid clock using the A4 as the master clock instead of ableton as the master. Such is the way with most daws. They almost all have really bad clock output. Innerclock would solve all your sync issues and then some. Your right though, very expensive. You could always try and diy a clock source. Would be cheap and could be fun ??? maybe

Tried that way and the best way i found was to run a clock from a standalone maschine. That worked really well with very small fluctuations. But it still wasn’t stable enough to completely rely on. The way i have been using the analog four live and in the studio, isby triggering midi clips in ableton and using the macros on the analog four. Also i found a max patch for ableton which is basically a macro rack that allows you to choose midi numbers for each macro in drop down menus. This enables you to send midi data to analog gear from a macro. Great for drawing in automation! Think its by monolake

Interesting. I’ll give it a go. Will defo have a look for that max patch. Monolake is a clever guy. One of the founding fathers of ableton as far as i know.
Expert Sleepers have a jitter free midi solution but you’d have to go modular. Have a look at these vids from Os. First one about jitter free midi

and another with Din sync

The 2 modules used in the video work out cheaper than an innerclock system. Even if you include a tiny doepfer case to house them in, it still works out cheaper. Your sound card needs to otput either SPDIF or ADAT. All in all this is a far more versatile solution than innerclock. Each one of those outputs on the ES-4 expander could be used to send midi. He also sells those adapter cables too. This lot has been on my shopping list for a while now.

Great stuff! My next thing is going to be modular so i might use this as an excuse to get the ball rolling haha. Its an expensive hobby though!