To you who decided that auto save was a good idea

I felt such despair because of a sound I just created and was extremely satisfied with. Only to realize it was gone for good not to ever be recreated exactly, the moment I turned off my Digitone and realized I had forgot to save the sound into the sound manager.

So to you at Elektron who decided to implement auto save all the way down to a tracks sound. Truly thank you, from the bottom of my heart :heart:


To set things straight: it doesn’t really auto save. The RAM itself holds its content even when you turn off the Digitone. It’s more like hibernation on a computer.

The difference is that you still can loose content when not saving manually (for example when the content gets corrupted due to a crash or when reloading the project without saving first).

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Just a quick clarification so no false truths are unnecessarily spread, the RAM content is not kept during power off. It can feel like that for the user though, wich I’d say is a good thing :wink:


So you are not using NVRAM anymore, but backup to the +drive?

From my point of view (that is from the electronics side) no, no NVRAM any more. We got rid of them before my time at Elektron and at the moment I can’t remember for which product the switch was.
I say “from my point of view” though, because there can still be some error messages mentioning NVRAM errors. I assume the error messages still use the term since it’s basically the same function for the OS and user. With the disclaimer that I have limited knowledge of the software though.

Edit: sorry for hijacking your thread @horisonten, my off topic ends here. Glad that you found the auto save useful! :slight_smile:


No worries at all.

I’m not really following though. The content is not saved in the ram, but still somehow remembered (saved) automatically when powered off/on?

In the end I’m just really glad it is implemented like it is, and I really got reminded about the incredible engineering of the Elektron boxes yesterday.
Luckily it wasn’t on my Blofeld that I created the sound this time…

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It’s great to be able to switch off and pick up where you left off mostly…
there are some exceptions with kits though to be aware of,
if you are using multiple kits you still need to save them before power off

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A very important detail of autosave!!

Multiple kits? As in multiple tracks with unsaved sounds?

I think it only applies to the analogs,
you have to make sure to save kits. only the active one stays in the memory…
You have to save them before powering off

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All right that explains it. Had to ctrl+f the Digitone manual but only got two hits :sweat_smile:

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