Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith OB6

If rotten tomatoes were a thing for synths, it seems like the ob6 gets close to 100% from critics and audience alike, I almost never read a bad thing about it. But I’ve only seen it mentioned here a couple times. Is it not considered “interesting”? Like is it the kind of synth that is a giant sweet spot but not that interesting where you can take the sounds to crazy places?


There is only 1 LFO, but you can use OSC 2 as a supplementary LFO.
Options for LFO and cross-modulation are limited (7 and 5 respectively) but already offers some room for weird, and there is also a Ring Mod in the FX section.

Still, if you’re into FM and very wide synthesis possibilities, you’d better get a Novation Peak, a REV-2 or a Digitone, IMO.

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it’s a synth, so yeah you can do some pretty wild stuff with it. but I don’t personally approach it that way. it’s more about melodies and the fact that you can get it to sit perfectly in a mix. I have modulars and well-appointed mono synths that are better suited to crazy sounds. in short: not sure I’d want it to be my only synth, but it does what I want it to very well.


There isn’t a lot of modulation options on it, but I can get some pretty gnarly stuff out of the xmod.

I’ve dreamed about having this synth since it was released. Listened to loads of online stuff and always thought it would be mine one day.

Got to play one in a store the other week and I just didn’t connect with it somehow.

I felt for the price the build quality should be better. I don’t know. It’s obviously me as everyone online raves about it.

Can’t put my finger on it really. Bizarre.

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Like many people here, I love the OB-6. You just end up making beautiful sounds that invite you to play.
But the lack of modulation and the fact that you can have multiple destinations for the LFO but not dose them is its biggest weakness, it feels really amateur to me. The X-mod can make interesting results and go weird, but honestly I just don’t get it, it feels out of control. Maybe it’s me but I never got it.
(Oh, and the “old-school” way of selecting programs is a JOKE)
Nothing beats the Rev2 in terms of modulation. The filter is not super sexy, but the synth is a beast.


If you want more modulation for the OB6 or pophet 6 check out the Low Frequency Expander by Yorick Tech. I picked one up a while back.


Mine is arriving this week. It will be used on the prophet 6.

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Or just use an Elektron machine such as the OT ^^
With Direct Connect, you can assign knobs in no times, and then it’s LFO party !
Plus you can turn the knobs on OB-6, it registers plocks on OT in Live Rec mode (on the right track) ! Really opens the OB-6 IMO.


Receiving my OT today…
Two issues though :

  • it will not be linked to the program itself
  • OT can only send CCs, not NRPN, can it ?

Also, for the expander, it’s interesting. Is it linked to Programs ?

Yes, programs are linked, so if you change a preset on the OB6 it is mirrored on the LFE

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Thanks, I’ll have a look.

I guess you can always find issues :smiley:
Bigger issue in my case is not being able to tag CC, fwiw.
Anyway, if you dedicate a few OT MIDI tracks to OB-6, I guess you’ll replicate this in every Part to keep such configuration and get used to it.

Indeed, only CCs in OT case, I believe.


Damn, the expander is way too expensive. The synth is already not cheap…

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Hmm - this really gives me food for thought for the OB-6 desktop. I’d be sequencing it from the OT/DN anyway. Hmm.

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It’s the one that I own :thup:

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Could some of you fine people help me recreate the patch that starts at 11:45 in this video?

Slow attack and some aftertouch activity, yes, but beyond that your help is very much appreciated!

Generally speaking, I love the OB-6 and with the Octatrack it’s the best instrument to get lost into for hours. However, I sometimes have trouble getting the OB-6 to sit well in the mix with other instruments in my songs. That’s 99,9% user fault though as sound design isn’t my strong suit…

I’d say it’s not entirely your fault, a lot of people have said this about the synth. It’s big and brash and sounds great by itself but doesn’t always play as well with other synths. This was true of the OBXA as well. I’ve experienced this same thing with the Mini D and JD800, they often require some EQ to sit well. I never noticed this problem until I started stacking hardware tracks after my setup grew. The two best synths I’ve found for fitting in any mix with little effort are the Nord Lead 1-2x (can’t comment on the others) and the Kurzweil K25/2661.

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the man, the myth, the legend! :raised_hands:

interesting, though, on his website he says he doesn’t really like it :thinking: