Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith OB6

Sometimes synths grow on you right? It’s not always love at first play. I didn’t like massive x at first but now I reach for it when trying to play deep bass sounds.

I was surprised by his comments as well, but everyone has their taste

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Just figured that Decksaver had made a protection for the desktop module!
What kind of bag do you use for the transport?


I would never tell anyone not to get this or ever say that this is a bad synth - it is obviously a top of the line 6 voice poly with its own character. But his comments ring true to me. The limited modulation does not feel like “less is more” but rather “why can’t I do this?” Stupid stuff like unable to reset LFO on key press. I had it next to a Korg Polysix and although the OB6 can do much much more in terms of synthesizing the Korg just sounded bigger, woolier, more textured, just more… I don’t know how else to say it… analog. Lastly I just hate digital effects thrown on at the end… just feels like a “satisfy the market” move… they were cool though, didn’t seem bad, very usable.

If you think you might like it and can afford it I would recommend trying for yourself.

Edit: more textured isn’t exactly true, maybe just like… grainier. I think there’s a beast of a synth inside the OB6 that is limited by some sort of engineering decision that never let’s it get “out of control” (hence his comment on “tameness”).

I will say it works GREAT as a mono voice, sometimes polys don’t shine in that dept but this one definitely did. It can do basslines like :kissing_closed_eyes:

funny to compare to a Polysix and not enough modulation, as it has WAY less modulation options than the OB6. not liking the nature of the sound (and I’d probably agree that Polysix sounds better) is perfectly fine though. they’re different synths. the Polysix is quintessential vintage analog sound to me. it’s literally almost all sweet spot, and it just sounds old and dusty to me. the OB6 is a much sweeter and more modern sound but also much more versatile at finding its spot in the mix.

personally I like a poly synth that’s not ridiculously deep. when I want a poly sound, I don’t generally want cinematic landscape level modulation going on. if I did, I’d buy a Moog One. I prefer “simple but really good” for poly sounds. OB6 does that for me. especially alongside a Polysix and Juno 106.

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Yes the polysix modulation is very basic, but it doesn’t really promise you to be anything more (also I have the tubbutec mods which help) - the OB6 can do way more in terms of sound design (including modulation).

It’s more that on a modern machine you would expect it to allow you to basically do whatever you want and sometimes you reach over to cross mod x to y and realize you can’t and it’s just… why.

I use a Gator padded soft case, fits perfectly with the Decksaver on the OB-6 and is 1/6th the cost of an STB hard case, (Same for the Prophet~6 too). It’s all I need since my car is enough protection for transportation.

99% agree :thup: if I ever use the fx it’s at a barely audible level. I apply it then back off till it just drops out. Yet that works great as far as the effect goes, and the synth voice is still strong. I think the best chorus “effect” on the OB-6 and Prophet~6 is just going 50-80% panned in unison with a touch of Slop, or when playing chords both hands.

I sold the PolySix a few months before I got the OB-6, and I still feel the loss now. I can’t get that sound out of either the OB-6 or Prophet~6. I’ve tried every permutation with one or both OSC’s and restricting parameters to mirror the polysix.
In the end it’s like asking Beyoncé to sing and sound exactly the same as, idk, Aretha Franklin?

Just to add the opinion of my mate who runs a commercial studio, “it’s a synth for your 4 piece rock group (yay VanHalen), it’s an “only child” kind of synth.”
I agree to an extent, but I use it all the time next to a Prophet~6 (or Rev2) and two AS-1’s.

With the desktop module?
Do you have the reference for this?

Oops I thought you were talking about the keyboard :relaxed:

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Ahhh why did you sell a Polysix? That one is a forever-keeper. I saw quite a few people in the “First 5 Gear” thread that had sold their Polysix and it bummed me out.

Well, I’d had it since the 80’s and it got to that point (2017) where everything I did was so predictable. I was just painting the same picture over and over again.
I do miss having it, but don’t entirely regret selling it.


The OB-6 has an analog signal path all the way through. There’s a separate send for the effects that get mixed back into the final output never breaking the analog signal path.

Yes I know it’s not even about signal path, it’s more about the need to have an effects section on Everything. Of course hate is too strong a word, I overdid it there.

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I totally understand. I guess I was just stating at least they didn’t run it in series.

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I know sound design is (sometimes) half the fun but what soundsets are available for the OB-6, besides the following? I’m especially looking for mellow but expressive/lively pad/string sounds. Can live with the occasional Jump patch in there, though! :grinning:

Analog Audio

Luke Neptune




Pigtronix Infinity is the looper

your memory is amazing.

Man, the looper could be a piece of junk somebody built from old cassette tapes and bubble gum and the OB6 would still sound damn good.


No not at all. But my YT comment reading skills are ace!
Edit: Ha now i saw what you mean, and i suck in reading video descriptions on my smartphone. I missed, that he mentioned it there already.