Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith OB6

Man, the looper could be a piece of junk somebody built from old cassette tapes and bubble gum and the OB6 would still sound damn good.


Your post are on loop ^ :tongue:

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Weā€™re all loopy at the moment


You can say that again.


OB-6 gets MPEā€”WHAT?! After all these years of passing on DSI/Sequential, I might finally go for one. Are the betas publicly available?

ADDED: Duh! I see the beta for download at the bottom of the thread announcing the beta. Which do you think will be faster: someone verifying MPE, or me purchasing an OB-6?

ADDED, resleeved: age-old question: desktop or 49?


They are public on the sequential forums. Sign up. You also get vintage mode too. This is a nice effect I use on my prophet 10. I want to try out vintage mode on the prophet 6 now.


This is crazy! The OB-6 is pretty much the only synth Iā€™d see myself adding to my setup, as Iā€™m happy with everything else and value space. One of these days I just need to commit to saving up for it and buying it.

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well this is perfect timing considering that i am expecting my Prophet 6 to arrive this weekā€¦

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I got the module because I got the rev2 keys around the same time. Using the rev2ā€™s keys gives me 5 octaves of OB-6 (vs the 4) and thatā€™s awesome, so depending on your current midi controller situationā€¦

edit: but I guess that wouldnā€™t be 5 octaves of MPE, hmm. Gonna have to update and check things out. Maybe I can use my Hydra desktop to test.

For MPE, Iā€™d use my LinnStrument and K-Board exclusively, so itā€™s actually not much of a decision. Still, sometimes you want that built-in keyboard for unexpected situations, but considering space and added expense, itā€™s very unlikely for me.

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Kinda want the p6 one now tooā€¦ damn.

Not having an MPE controller, I am actually more excited about the new vintage behavior algorithm included in the beta. Itā€™s like a mojo dialā€¦very cool.

Keys or desktop?

Probably desktop. The OB-6 module is really solid. I use my push2 to control it now usually anyway and I think itā€™s getting some MPE support in live 11 too.

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Iā€™m really looking forward to what the Yorick LFE can do now that we have MPEā€¦ Second per-voice LFO and Mod envelope, here we come!

what is vintage mode of the P6?? DoesnĀ“t already sound vintage? Love mine for this.

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The Front door!!!

This update is too ruddy good!

Damn Iā€˜m still in the process to convince me to finallly get one. This update will not let me find more good deals on secondhand market

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First i was reluctant about the hype around the ā€œvintage knobā€. After updating and tinkering with this mode im must say im impressed. First of all, itā€™s way more decent/subtle than the standard detune. but also more complex and adds really a huge amount of liflyness to the sound. To my ears, itā€™s in full cw setting around 30% pitch mod, 20% env mod and 50% Filter mod. Whats going on in addition to that under the hood, i don`t know. A very welcome addition to an absolutely great synth!