Tone machine synthesis responding to kick machine?

is there a circumstance where a kick machine on one track would affect the actual synthesis of a tone machine or chord machine on another track? I had a kick pattern going on one track and went to another track to noodle with a melody with a tone machine and while holding down a note with the tone machine, each kick hit from the other track was causing the synth of the tone machine to flex, like you could hear the FM synthesis moving in the tone machine, like your were moving one of the knobs, as if the synth engine was side chained to the kick synth engine or something, or they were working off of the same oscillators. the machine doing the melody being affected was on the 4 birds unison mode, was it running out of voices?

Each voice is independent on the M:C, there can’t be voice stealing between tracks (like on Digitone or Analog Rytm for example). To me, all the things you describe happen only in the internal mixer of the M:C. This device seems to have a low headroom meaning if you mix two high level tracks, it can causes some of the things you describe. Did you try to lower the level of all the tracks ? You can also try to mute the kick machine when you have the feeling it changes the tone parameter. If the tone machine still sounds the same with the kick muted, so it’s due to the mixer.

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