Toraiz as-1

That’s just what they’ll be expecting me to do…

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Can anyone tell me how to switch the flashing TAP button off???

Just got this perfect mono Prophet-6. I was looking for a replacement Bass mono synth. My Minitaur bricked itself months ago. New one $800.
I see the new SIRIN $1,000!

I love my Prophet-6 Bass vibe so what about the ToraizAS1???
$550 new. Balls out no argument there!
Loving patch U3/P81 “RomanRolandski” as a Basic Bass patch.
Just wish I could switch that stupid flashing TAP button off.

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It’s been a while since I owned one so I may be wrong but I think the only way is to have the unit in external clock mode.


Thanks it worked.

It’s an amazing synth, wish there was a controller for it.

There’s the Prophet-6, or the more affordable Prophet-6 module. Or the free editor (LE version) from SoundTower which is exactly the same interface as the Prophet-6.

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You can make the Digitakt (or Digitone) a controller for it… every parameter has a corresponding cc number. Plus use extra midi tracks as additional LFOs.


So has anyone ever sent Pioneer an email and received a response? Have an email address to share?
I’m getting nothing via their website links. And their forum is dead.

Yes it works great with the Digitone and Digitakt. But it’s a pity that you can’t insert the slide parameters. If that would be possible you would have a nice 303 replacement.

That’s OK, as 303 slide riffs are the equivalent of hair metal whammy bar solos for me :slight_smile:


Interested in purchasing the as-1. A few questions:

  • how is the build quality? Pioneer products are generally known for excellent build quality (from my limited reading on forums). Has anyone had any issues with parts, knobs, touch strip/keybed, etc?

  • my plan is to trigger the device with a 606/707 only. Are there are any sync issues regarding the trigger input? (I know of the infamous MIDI sync issues when changing programs during playback. I never plan on using MIDI or changing programs during playback)


Build is solid metal all round with plastic side fenders. Knobs are totally solid on mine.

I sequence entirely from a Squarp and don’t change programs, and it works fine.
If I triggered the AS-1 internal sequencer from anything it sometimes wouldn’t start. Also, it’s internal sequencer usually skipped a beat and went out of sync, when I was tooling with that in early days.
Pioneer never replied to a dozen emails regarding the issues I mentioned, but since I just use it as a bass synth sequenced by the Squarp it’s fine.

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Thank you, saved me a lot of trouble

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don’t know why anyone would want to use the internal sequencer anyway. it’s a PITA compared to regular sequencers with dedicated buttons. Best to just sequence notes from something else and everything else such as program change and bpm info (for effects) will work as desired.

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easy transpose?

If I’ve got it hooked up to a Keystep there’s no issues transposing the AS1’s internal sequencer. But if I leave that running for a while (usually while playing guitar) it’ll get the hiccups. So yeah, better off using the Squarp.

The best use of the AS-1 sequencer is just to demo the presets, same with most DSI stuff.

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I just ordered a second AS-1 today and canceled my Bro-1 order.
If all you need is a great sounding mono Prophet-6, it’s perfect. Except for the fx, which are different to the P6.


Yep there’s something about the sound. Never really been DSI fan…but the AS-1 and P6 are a work of art.

Hey hey :grinning:
I now have a “Prophet Two Voice” :grin:

Not waiting for the Bro/Faux-1