Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

I’d like to see a demo of this that’s more along the lines of generative ambient.

I have had to work on other projects so it’ll still be some time until I have my tracks ready…
Would like to do more generative ambient too for sure.

Man, how have I not seen this thread on here. I just discovered this unit googling Ableton Link sequencers. Totally missed the whole Kickstarter thing. Looks so great.

Will more units be shipping?


Yes and you have “pre order” list on their website.

interesting, but for €525 certainly not my cup of tea.

I was interested in the Torso T-1 when the Kickstarter was announced but never got round to backing it. Now I’m waiting on the Oxi One but still love the look of this thing.

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Patrick Madsen has uploaded seven videos on his youtube-channel, in which he shows different functions / setups.

here are some of these videos.



Kick drum provided by the ms-20. Lead by the prophet 08:



I got the first multitrack video done :grinning:

It’s the Torso T-1 sequencing Kodamo EssenceFM through Octatrack.
The button colors aren’t that clear in the video but easy to see on the unit.

Also included in the description but here’s what I’m doing:

0:51 adding trigs to the Kick Drum
1:20 Temp + Pattern - changing the repeat time of all tracks
1:33 changing the division time of all tracks
1:38 releasing Temp + Pattern - return to previous state
1:43 unmuting and muting tracks
2:02 changing pitch and adding notes for the keys melody (within scale)
2:55 unmuting tracks
3:03 Temp + Pattern - changing the repeat timing of all tracks
3:32 Temp + Pattern - changing the division timing of all tracks
3:43 Temp + Pattern - changing the loop length of all tracks
3:55 releasing Temp + Pattern


This is excellent. One of the best demonstrations up to now. Massively excited to get my one.

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Wow, thanks! I like it very much - composition and sounds. :sparkling_heart:
Will have to watch it in the evening (when I have more time) for understanding the torso-workflow better.
Little questions regarding the Octatrack: what is it doing - drums? And why are you going through it? Probably just because of the midi-through-data-chain?

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Thanks so much guys - really glad you like it :grinning: :pray:

I’m always using Octatrack as master and as an effects processor and mangler but here I only used it in the beginning with highpass, lofi and some vibrato. You can see when I move the slider back to dry sound at 0:29. EssenceFM is the only audio source so drums are from there too.


Here’s a track with heavy use of Octatrack. It is the exact same setup but with a different track on the T-1 going through OT’s effects and switching to a completely different scene after a while. Also playing with the Temp-Pattern function which is equivalent of Elektrons Control All in the second part.


Wow, wow, wow. Top notch! Couldn´t be better (from my point of view).

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Great - thank you :grinning:

I’ve been enjoying mine more than I expected. Didn’t expect to like it for drums sequencing as much as I do, but the ability to add your own pulses across the 16 steps (rathere than just limiting to the euclidian algorithm) really helps. Rewiring my brain. Learning more each day. It’s really well thought out. I’ve actually removed my normal sequencing brain (Engine) for awhile and working on a set with just this.

Looking forward to more enhancements.
I know they’re adding Timing later, for shuffle and such.
I’d like to be able to copy a pattern from 1 bank to another. In general, the copy/paste UX could be improved with a dedicated paste button, so you don’t need to complete copy/paste in 1 button combo sequence. (i.e.: copy to buffer, switch banks, paste from buffer)
I think my #1 request would be ability to assign Program Change #s rather than default to the bank # + pattern # you’re on.
It would be nice if we could hold a step and set a parameter offset, a la p-locks. That’s probably a fundamental change to how the sequencer works and I’d be pleasantly surprised if they went that way, but that could really elevate T-1 and make it more competitive with other sequencers.


Exactly - the copy paste functionality you describe there is something I quickly found too and mentioned recently when I met with the Torso gang. They listened attentively so I hope they’ll do it. I mentioned P-Locking too and they had thought about it but also want the T-1 to be a machine where you easily dial you way to the result. Here my experience is that you have to work quite hard to dial in that bass round or drum beat for example that you have in mind so I’d welcome an additional more direct way of doing it too. Of course this is algorithmical sequencing so maybe it’s not meant to be used traditionally but why not. It has 16 tracks and some cool global features for affecting all those tracks simultaneously so it would be great if you could do it all on the T-1.


Yep we’re on the same page, and that is a good way to summarize the approach of the T-1. Like, it would be cool to have some of these features and maybe possible to implement, but they are going for a philosophically different approach to composition. Though they do seem to welcome feedback, so maybe if enough people wanted it.

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I think s transitional step that would fit well into the way the device thinks would be midi LFOs. I do kind of wish they’d had something like that in mind from the start, though, and designed it into the interface, because shoehorning it in now while keeping it so clean will be tough. Maybe it’ll have to wait for the T2

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Any news about the second batch? No news or updates regarding the T-1 since 26/5 and then it was a firmware update.
I hoped i would get it this month but dosnt sound good this silence…

In the same boat, just sit tight and let them do their thing. I’m sure they are on top of it.

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