Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Encoders and encoder switches only last about a minimum of 20,000 cycles - 50 clicks a day for just over a year takes it just out of warranty…. :slight_smile: (the user interface of the T1 is heavily dependent on encoder clicking and double clicking….)

Funny, I always wished for my Elektrons to have these. And I really like the long throw of the push, like if you actually push a Button.
I don’t get why they chose rubber pads for buttons. Buttons like the Elektron step buttons and it would be perfect!

I played around with torso and korg m1 ipad app, a very fun combo.

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For settings such as ‘pulses’ yes it makes sense to have very specific steps to the knobs…. For something like ‘velocity’ it makes less sense….

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I have been kind of thinking that my T1 needs some nicer knobs. It’s annoying that there are so few nice aluminum options for endless encoders.

I got mine yesterday, and used it with two instances of a hang drum VST. I can’t overstate that it is my DREAM SEQUENCER. Just to think how many times in the last 8 years of producing I had a long-form musical idea but could not implement it, whether by mouseclicking or elektron sequencing or VCV rack or using touchscreen DAWs for hours - and with this thing I’m there in a matter of SECONDS. Get my root note, scale, and micro-time shifting set up similarly on few tracks, then harmonize some chords across a few different cycles, play with the divisions and repeats, and so much more.
The only negative thing that happened was when I made a great staccato melodic pattern in the Itawo scale with added kick, and saved it to two banks accidentally - so i deleted one of the banks, but it actually deleted both. I think maybe I was not recognizing the bank color coding right.


I’d love it if it could be used as an arpeggiator. Maybe in an update?

yeah would be killer… hope they find ways to implement new stuff with the chosen one knob per function design …

Maybe with overlays…

Based on some testing I did just now, it seems that plugging it in to a rackmount synth or desktop keyboard is not enough to turn the unit on. Computer or USB hub work.

Synths arent usb hosts usually, so that makes sense it wouldn’t turn on

It works perfectly with my EssenceFM - is USB powered and shows up as a midi interface on the Midi host screen on the EssenceFM. I believe I tried with Hydrasynth and it wasn’t powered here.

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I installed the latest firmware 1.1.5 on T-1 and
noticed that the sequential between the changed cycles (red) does not work. The cycle that has been changed is always active. In the instruction and video, a sequential transition should occur. Is the anybody check out this?

But the essence is a usb host. A rareity amongst synths.

This just happened to me. It’s because of the length setting, not your update. You probably set the length to something other than infinite. (the blue button).

Now I don’t actually understand what the length setting is doing. It seems to only control the duration of “cycles”, not the length of the pattern. The manual says that you can make your pattern 16 bars long, for example. But that doesn’t mean that you can actually sequence a long pattern. I can’t make a 2-bar pattern, and then enter pulses on beat 1 and beat 21, for example, to create the kinds of long phrases that you would find in most music besides extremely loop-based techno or EDM.

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Yes you were right - this is length setting.

It’s possible because quantity cycles determined by the number bar in Length settings [ VALUE 1-8]

The Length parameter can reduce the length of the current track and create loops
• [ VALUE 1-8 ] represent 1 - 8 bar length and [ VALUE 16 ] represents 16 bar length.

So this is what I understood: to control the global length of the pattern you should use QUANTIZATION, this decides when a PATTERN finishes and an other pattern can be played (if they are in queue or in a pattern chain). However, the parameter LENGTH decides how long the TRACK is. It’s like the difference between MASTER and TRACK in the Elektrons. Then you have the CYCLES, they are like PAGES in Elektron, but you can have up until 16. Each CYCLE can have a completely different set of parameters. You can edit CYCLES one by one or make changes relatively to all CYCLES. And you can randomize the playing of the CYCLES so yeah, to answer your question, you can have way more than “loop-based” techno phrases, way longer than what you can achieve with an Elektron sequencer and way more random, because you can randomize if they repeat or skip. Hope this helps, I am still figuring it out.


Ahhh I totally blanked on that fact – that you can manually enter steps for each individual cycle. I had just been manually entering pitches for each individual cycle yesterday, (to create chord progressions) so it’s logical i could do the same with pulses.
Made some really beautiful solo piano music with it yesterday using 8 chromatic mediant chords in a sequence, some randomization of timing and repeats.

I’m not sure if you can randomize the harmony setting yet.

Yeah, I am also experimenting with timing and repeats (but also division and probability, so that even the main note get dilated/anticipated) to get that “jazzy solo” feeling. You cannot randomize the harmony setting, yet because it’s a secondary function. But here is the thing: I think when you randomize the pitches it utilizes the harmony algorithm to advance. I still have to thouroughly test this, I need to verify if, starting with c-e-g locked on major scale (classic major triad) you give it 1/2 blocks of random and you get d-f-a (or d-f#-a?) and e-g-b (or e-g#-b?).

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what really grinds my gear: wobbly base on a flat table … every button press one side goes down. Hate it so much :smiley: Any quick fix for this?

You can try putting it on edge of desk with one corner hanging over and gently push/bend the case. This usually works for other instruments I’ve had with this issue.

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