Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

just got it as well. I do not like the raster knobs at all

can we safely put the blame on loopop?

It works great for generating melodies/ideas! It’s really superb for that, definitely.
Exporting MIDI - yes, I did this a couple times, recorded all the midi tracks simultaneously into a DAW while I tweaked the T1. Then I further tweaked the MIDI in the DAW. Easiest way to compose that I’ve ever tried.


I just spent my first few hours with the T1 and I’m impressed: build quality, user interface, functionality. I really like it so far. (Love the ROTATE function and the phase shift for the random modulation. ROTATE was one of my favorite features of the Orthogonal Devices ER-101/102.)

One tip for other T1 newbees: Torso’s manual (and video) say, to apply random to a primary function you have to “press and hold the RANDOM knob” (that’s true) and “turn the knob” of the function you want to apply randomization to, for instance REPEATS. That’s wrong! You need to PRESS/HOLD/TURN the knob, just turning is not enough. It took me quite long to figure that out.

When you want to phase shift the random modulation you end up in this quite artistic gesture, pressing/holding RANDOM with the right hand, while pressing/holding the primary function knob of your choice with the left hand and pushing the blue phase shift buttons with your left thumb.
The solution is to lock the RANDOM knob (double press) so that you can use your right hand for the phase shift buttons.

A wish for the T1 Config app: Currently you can set the general LED brightness there, but it would be great to have separate settings for active and dim LEDs. For my taste the dim LEDs are way too bright.


Oh, and a TRANSPOSE function would be awesome. Not sure if that can be added somehow with the current hardware layout, but an option to randomly apply (for instance) octave shifts would greatly expand the vocabulary for melodic patterns. I think that’s not possible currently – or did I miss something?

Dim LEDs: Try Control + tempo

Octave shift is done with voicing knob. Randomize that.

Transpose is done with Pitch/Harmony

(Not with my T1 right now)

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Thanks a lot. Octave shift by randomizing VOICING works indeed.

Your DIM LEDs shortcut works too, but what I want is increase the contrast between half lit and full lit LEDs (make half lit LEDs less bright). I think that’s just not possible currently: a wish for future updates.

thanks for the tip!

Wait, won’t this randomize the sub parameter instead?

According to the manual it’s not possible to randomize sub functions, only first level functions.

Oh cool, great to know

For me it works with just holding random and turning. I swear!

Interesting. Are you on the latest firmware (1.1.5)? Do you get any visual feedback when doing this?

Big Tip. I like your thinking! Thanks :+1:

best feature I found so far is random + channel hooked up with a multitimbral synth

I have no clue how it cycles through the channels (or the range it covers) but it’s chaotic and I love it


Yes latest firmware. I tried it, for visual feedback, you need to press both random+repeat and turn repeat.
But if you do it like pressing random and then just turn, it also changes,but there is no visual feedback and you can’t change the phase. I think this could be made less confusing. I think there will be some firmware updates some time.
It is a very special device, but explaining a workflow without both people in the same room having a torso in front…

I did this with the korg m1 ipad app, I need a multitimbral synth now…

virus is perfect for it


You’re totally right! Sorry for this misinformation.

So far I don’t find the T1 complicated or difficult to understand at all. The implementation of RANDOM is the only thing that has a lof of potential for confusion. They probably changed the funcionality on the way and didn’t update the manual accordingly.

The manual also states that if you set the general RANDOM depth to 50 % (upper row blue, lower row red) you have a 50 % chance of randomizing. But when I set RANDOM for a specific parameter very low (just one notch up from neutral) I just get an ever repeating variation, certainly not 50 % random.

As you say: I hope this will be optimized – or at least they should revise the manual.

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I thought about this to, random works even when it should be off…
The Torso is awesome after all, mostly I record the audio output of the synths I am sequencing with it.
So some quirks and oddities are not to bad

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So I had this thing for 2 days now and had the chance to spend some hours with it and beginning to understand it better. Wow this thing is fun. I did some ITB testing with softsynth but I mostly used with my PerFourmer in my ever changing OTB setup.
Had some trouble regrading only 1 Midi connector is incl with the Torso, so I need to buy another for sync and sending midi out at the same time.

I really like the Cycles and the possibilities to make long evolving sequences with small changes over time.

Still the Tonal section feels like I´m not really in charge but I guess it´s just a combination of
practice and how many voices/poly you hook up to the Torso.

So more exploring in the chord progression for Poly duties and finding the best way to Arp a mono.

I´m driving to a family birthday this weekend so I´m can´t play with the Torso but will read the manual again to get more familiar with the concept and sit in my seat and just visualizing a little.

Any practice ideas, concepts or tricks that I should get into my brain while sitting and rewinding my brain along the way?

Maybe I just have to reread the whole thread…!