Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

No tutorial / videos of the new firmware in action online yet?

And also curious to hear your opinion: what’s the best way to do chords/melodic sequences on the T-1?

The random and probability feature still confuse me somewhat but everything else is pretty easy at this point. Love this thing!

Well please explain how to make nice melodies with it

@tendingtropic my advice to you is firstly establish a user scale or use one of the predefined ones, to keep things restrained.

Experimentation is the key here. I personally usually start with a simple single or two note sequence and mess with the voicing style and phrasing before adding more notes or repeats and velocity modulation. After that I just experiment with changing and randomising bits and bobs, copying sequences into cycles, or sometimes recording and editing the sequence on another sequencer.

I have found getting a nice sounding sequence going depends on feeding it to the correct sound, as its sometimes feels like square pegs in round holes, so I also do a lot of sound designing at the same time, which is unlike how I approach other sequencers.

I’m not sure this will be of any help to you, it’s just how I’ve developed a workflow with the t1.


thank you mate! gonna try your approach. still struggling a bit to understand the difference between voicing , phrasing, harmony/pitch, and especially in which order to manipulate them.

I’d really like to end up with something like this fast: Torso Electronics T-1: Chords - YouTube

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ok so i’ve broken down how he does it in the video

  1. choose scale / root
  2. pitch: dial in more notes
  3. make more cycles
  4. select a cycle, and then press+turn pitch to change pitch for certain cycles
  5. play around with accent, voicing (ctrl+voicing=style/arp), range, step length

Hi, did you get it to work with iOS?

So I came here to find if anyone else can confirm what I’ve read in the manual. Can CC tracks only send on the 4 CC channels in the manual or can they be changed?

Not 4 but 14 CC, from CC 70 to CC 83. And yes they are fixed, for now at least.

Edit : Oh and if you’re really talking about midi channels, you can change them like the note tracks with the channel knob, so 16 channels available also for the CC tracks.

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Ah gotcha, they didn’t do a good job describing that. So basically most of the knobs in that mode send CC messages but only between those numbers. Do those numbers even match up with any common synth parameters?

General purpose ‘sound design’ … attack, decay, vibrato … MIDI 1.0 Control Change Messages (Data Bytes)

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What would be nice is to automate the CCs like the midi notes, ramp up or down a CC value, apply time division, swing, etc… For now, you can just tweak them manually and randomize them.
I hope things like that will be implemented in the future.


A trade I did means I have my Torso-t1 on the way, I am very excited (sorry to post to the thread just for that, I had been reading the thread to get some context/ideas)


and Cycles :slight_smile:

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Well, I’ve had a few little plays with it. Great just for jamming, before even having read the manual or watched videos, you can have a lot of fun. I really like it, feels like a keeper.

BUT, I cannot get my head around RANDOM. I’ve read the manual section twice, and I’ve played with it to try and get intuition. So far, not so much. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually, but so far the largest RANDOM element seems to be me doing stuff at RANDOM…

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I’ve had no problem using my T-1 with my iPad Air/5. I’ve used it both with a USB-C cable and with a WIDI Jack bluetooth MIDI. One thing to keep in mind is that the iPad only has one USB-C port so you may need a USB hub, but I’ve had no trouble with that. Lastly, the Torso app is not available on iOS. So any configuration or backup has to be done with a Mac or Windows PC.

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Out of curiosity, what CME are you pairing your widi jack with? How has the set of them been?

The CME WIDI Jack is a new device for me. It requires a pair of 2.5 to 3.5 TRS cables for the T-1. It is very easy to use with MacBook Pro 13 M1 or iPas Air/5. Just follow the pairing and connecting instructions on the CME website. I only have the one CME device now, but I ordered a WIDI Master (5-pin DIN) unit too for use with my Hydrasynth Desktop. If that goes well, I may get another WIDI Master for my Linnstrument 128 too.

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Is anyone considering swapping T1 for Polyend Play? The algorithmic sequencing features seem to be even more advanced, and the UI looks more transparent.

A very different form factor and concept (the half baked mono sample player is a bit weird imo), but looks like a great algorithmic sequencer/tracker.


As the T1 is quite unique, and so much more than “just” a euclidian sequencer (really, it can generate ideas that even M4L sequencers can’t), I don’t think you can really compare its features and say it’s more or less powerfull than another sequencer. Of course it’s a personnal taste, but all I can say is everytime I use the T1 I have a bunch of great ideas at the end of the session, and I can develop them later. For me, the Polyend Play doesn’t seem as inspirationnal as the T1 but, again, it’s personnal, so I won’t pull the trigger on this one.