Total Recall not always working


Sorry if this has been asked before. I’ve searched other posts and whilst similar threads, nothing really answering what I am wondering.

I decided to give the OB total recall a try, within my DAW (Live 11.0.2) on a new project using my AR and yep, lost it all because I hadn’t checked ‘sync automatically on save’. This led me to test saving daw projects using the OB total recall to see if it is reliable enough which it really isn’t.

Having ‘sync automatically on save’ does not always work, in fact hardly ever. The best way I got total recall to work when saving a daw project is to disable the total recall and then re-enable it to force the AR to sync. This also doesn’t always work either. Sometimes the AR just hangs on the syncing screen and I have to disable in OB and then retry syncing again, which mostly takes a few tries.

Over the course of a week trying to determine if there was something causing this, I updated the OB to the latest version (was running and the AR to the latest version (was running 1.6), and on my quest, things started getting funky. The AR would run fine with Live but all of a sudden would jump the clock and be totally be out of time with Live, and continue to get worse. After tearing my hair out, I reverted the OB and AR to the versions I was running before and all was good again with the timing!

I’ve just been working on a track and it has taken at least 5 attempts to sync OB to the AR, and even now I’m not confident it really has sync’d.

Has anybody else run into these problems? Is any body using the total recall reliably? I would love to know as I really would like it to work because other than OB being used for midi clock to the AR and audio in, its sitting pretty useless for me.

Btw, I’m running the latest Windows 10 Home version, i9, 3.60GHz with 32GB of RAM.

Thanks all in advance.