Track doesn't work properly

Hello Guys, this is my first post, i have a problem: Track 1 in one of my projects, the one with the Kick, doesn’t work properly.
I have created a rather basic sequence of the track, but it only triggers the first step. The other triggers are shown properly when I click the record button, but they don’t make any sound. Additionally, even if I mute Track 1, nevertheless, the first Step is being triggered and makes sound. I tried everything from checking step-specific parameters on the track to reloading the projects etc. (this problem only occurs at this one project), but all settings look just normal. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be?
I appreciate any kind of help, thank you!

I forgot one thing: the problem only occours when i use the new overbridge Plug-in, when i just play the audio through a regular Audio track, everything is fine.

I’ve had a channel freeze many times in ableton… you could try deleting that channel and make a new one? Or you could have automation some where?

You forgot the most important information, too: what Elektron device is showing this behavior? :wink: