Track sound per bank, not pattern on digitone

ive been making music for years on octa and recently got the digitone
one thing that has been really frustrating for my live performance for me is the track sounds not being “bank global” i guess you could call it, so if i have a chain of patterns and i change something slightly to the sound in one pattern i have to copy paste that sound to all the relevant patterns… then i can’t tweak track sounds while in a chain either… am i missing something or is this just something i have to get used to? it seems weird that even track levels arent global to me… the per bank settings on the octa is so primo to me

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Yes. The manual states all settings in a pattern are saved on a per pattern basis.

Yes. Copy paste is your friend, then chain patterns.

Or… use DN as a sound module sequence it from Octatrack, then you can tweak the same patch over multiple patterns.


There are advantages to the kit-per-pattern approach, and some people prefer it. You can work faster creating music without having to worry about kit management.

I would love it if there was the option to have multi-pattern kits, or kit-per-pattern, on the Digitone.

The track levels can be set as global (there’s a setting, you just tick a box under global settings).

Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

You are right, you cannot share a track sound settings across different patterns.
This is possible in the Analog series and oldies (MD/MM) with the Kits, and in OT (limited to a Bank) with Parts.
In these, the whole Kit is shared, not a single track btw.
The Digi series has been simplified in this regard: only a handful of settings can be shared among every Pattern.


thanks everyone for replying… i guess no tweaking over chains…:);;xx;s;sz;z;z

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Incorrect, possible via octatrack, as mentioned above.