Track Sync, I don't want it, help

Hi folks…

…I would have searched for a topic, but given there are wheelie bins with more musical knowledge than I possess…I don’t actually know what sort of term I should be searching for…so I’ve tried to explain below what I’m after.

I’ve been merrily noodling with my digitone for about 18 months now.

I want to move forward with something a little more random, evolving and rolling.

I thought that if I altered the number of steps in a track, the individual track would recycle once it reached it’s final step, instead what I’m finding is all the tracks are effectively holding after their last step until the track with the most steps reaches it’s last step before all tracks start again from step 1.

Am I trying to achieve something not possible with the Digitone’s sequencer or am I missing a setting.

Much love.


you need to increase the length of the Master Track






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My Difitone has independent track lengths?

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yes, the Difitone, the Digitone and Digitone Keys and all other Elektrons that i know of (except heat/drive) :wink:


I could swear I read only the Octatrack league boxes had independent track length!

It used to be true :slight_smile:

By the way, if you don’t want to use different length you can.
And if you do, it might be interesting to set master track length to INF and set some CHG length.


But, the master sequencer will over ride the count. So set master sequencer length to INF and bingo, all your individual tracks will cycle on their own terms.
Remember to set a CH length if you want to chain patterns.