I made a set for Palacio Palace recently and here is the result!
Check out the Bandcamp or Gumroad pages if you would like to find out more of the workflow I was using when working on this set. The tutorial video is around 30 minutes and it comes with a 5 Track EP.
@Dataline great work! Сan you share more details about this T&T tutorial, what is the difference with previous videos about OT, I am sure that a detailed explanation would increase sales and interest in this content
Each of these Track & Teach videos are different to each other. Each Set I build has a different approach and workflow, which the video covers. For the PreSampling workflow, I focused on sampling & remixing the Octatrack while building the set - so its like realtime sampling but Pre It should make much more sense after watching the Track & Teach video!
Thanks so much for the support! Hopefully the video gave you some inspiriation!