Tracks on Syntakt getting muted by midi inputs

On my Syntakt when I have a sequence running and a note it triggered externally through the MIDI input - on the same channel as a Syntakt voice, it mutes that channel. If I hit the note again it unmutes it. Any way to avoid this and just have the voice keep playing?

Track is muted (mute state can be controlled by a CC midi message), or notes are cut by incoming midi note ? (Tracks are monophonic, and incoming midi notes have priority)

In both cases avoid to send this messages, change channels, or disable incoming CCs or notes in MIDI CONFIG.

Hmm. Went into midi settings and turning off the note input. That works obviously but now I can’t hear the midi input. The external note is acting more like a mute toggle rather than a priority mute (in that the Syntakt note loses priority over the input). Once I press the external note again it unmutes the track. Is there anyway to avoid this toggling?

If incoming note stops all notes even after release, it can mean ST doesn’t receive the note off.
What is external gear ?

It’s a Roland drum trigger pad. I’m trying to manually play some of the Syntakt drums live. It should send a note off - I think :thinking:. I’ll look at the manual.