Transfer acting odd, doesn't send anything? (Digitone)

Hey gals/guys!

I wonder what’s up with my new Digitone. I got some .syx preset banks and I try to send them to Digitone by using Transfer and dropping .syx files onto the Transfer window (I’m on latest versions of everything), and it doesn’t open any windows, it just blinks as if I asked nothing. What might be wrong? I’m on Monterey 12.3.1 on an i9 Macbook from 2019.

I had the same thing some weeks ago.
Transfer somehow didn‘t see syx but the newer filetypes and strangely os upgrade ( also syx).
(Can‘t remember if it worked with a previous version as i mostly used c6 (pc) and not often)
Same thing with dn with mac and a4 with pc…

I had to use sysex librarian for mac.
Search for the program and read dn manual sysex dump.
I replied some days ago somewhere else, one person was able to send sounds (but not banks) with first clicking sysex transfer below on transfer. I didn‘t try that.
I hope its ok if i have mix of syx and new filetypes sabed as backup(?)

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had same issue as well (Sounds download via sysex dump fine into open bank slots but a full Pattern via sysex doesn’t transfer). most recent version of Monterey on MBP M1 Pro