Transfer continually crashing with RYTM MK2

Am getting so fed up trying to use Transfer to back up my RYTM. I have lost count of the amount of times I have sent even as little as 1 project file to my computer to back it up and it just stalls with the “In Progress” message and that’s it, nothing happens, no back-up, no transfer.

Have the latest version of Transfer downloaded, the 1.16B firmware on my RYTM and have tried numerous usb cables and ports on my computer.

Come on Elektron, who hard can it be to have simple backup software operate as described?? :(:frowning: So bloody frustrating!!!

I’m having a different problem with Transfer and RYTM 2. Transfer cant “see” any samples in the samples folder or on the RYTM meaning transfer impossible. Transfer can see everything for the Digitakt and that works fine. If I want to transfer samples to the RYTM I have to use C6 which is a bit slow to say the least. Come on Elektron.

Windows / Mac ?
Any particular os version ? Win7 / Mac 10.13.6 ?

I typically grab a few things at a time and not everything … that might help.

I agree that it should be simple but a little more info may help people offer advice.

Typically … double check firmware , triple check firmware , and check it all again ( though you’ve done this I think )

Might be worth removing the RYTM driver then reinstalling it, seem to remember that worked for me a while back.

Edit: Also first check USB settings on Rytm.

Windows 10 Pro.

Firmware is all updated on the Elektron side and the computer is a new build with no junk on it so don’t expect it’s a computer issue as such.

Is it problematic to have the RYTM set to Overbridge mode when using Transfer? Tried turning off the OB mode and was able to back up my projects just now. Can running OB mode on the RYTM cause issue when using Transfer? Maybe that’s my issue?

It’s non-trivial, to be honest.

Their instrument OS is bespoke, so they will have to tweak any off-the-shelf USB drivers, if any exist. They probably need to write their own drivers, and maybe their own file system drivers too.

They’ve got their own data formats, so they might need their own data transfer protocol on both the instrument side and the computer side. Transfer supports multiple revisions of five or six devices.

They have apps for Windows and Mac, so that’s two entirely different platforms to support, and both those platforms are moving targets with ~yearly update cycles.

USB is hardware, so it could break at any time in ways Elektron can’t control. Their software will need to account for some of that (for each platform).

(Please excuse me. My software dev team just had an hour long conversation about how we respond to our management concerned we don’t deliver fast enough, whilst we feel we’ve been pretty busy with all the other stuff they asked us to do. So I’m a bit defensive)

I am guessing I am the idiot who has made the mistake of having his RYTM in OB mode when using Transfer. Seems to be working now, has that been my problem all along? Did I miss something in the manual that states not to have the machine in OB mode when using Transfer? Feeling sheepish if that’s the case

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In your defence, the manuals are hard to read.

All good, I was just being stroppy because I have had a hellish week with some of the Soundtower Editors that are about the most buggy software I have ever used. Paid for a few and they no longer work, I assume due to constantly changing Windows updates. Oh the joy of software woes lol

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No, there is no hint in the manual about it. It only states that devices in Overbridge mode will be presented as two entries on the connection page.

But I guess it’s a good idea to use it in MIDI mode. This way the overbridge drivers can’t interfere.

Hmm that is weird, you would think they would point that out. For the time being, turning off OB mode seems to have solved my issue. Hopefully that was the cause all along and I have learnt from my mistake. Thanks guys!!

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I don’t think you should need to read a manual or scour forums for hours to do something that should be basic like ‘backup’ , a few screen prompts here and there, simple interface options or guides would help.

But I tried to backup my iPad yesterday , apple have tried to simplify things to the point of controlling everything, but it still repeatedly fails with no reason and took hours to eventually get it to work

I’m at the point where I try every combination of all relevant options to try to get thinfs working , so yes…. Checking all combinations of usb midi, ob on and off etc etc etc etc . But I’m on this forum far too much and read many many many threads which start with ‘I can’t get X working’ which itself hints that typical use / expectations could be improved given resources (if they’re available which is often unlikely)


Well, if it helps anybody else, my issue appears to have undoubtedly been that I was in OB mode on the RYTM and when I changed it to USB Midi mode, the Transfer app has worked flawlessly.

YES, that’s what they write in their manuals that no one reads. :wink:

The manual reads

We recommend that you select USB MIDI mode on your Elektron device. You find this setting in GLOBAL SETTINGS > SYSTEM > USB CONFIG, or CONFIG MENU > DEVICE > USB
MODE depending on your device.


Recommend seems a pretty silly choice of word as it seems to actually be vital :crazy_face:

Yes! Maybe that’s the friendly / polite scandinavian wording for “YOU DEFINETIVELY HAVE TO …”

A friend told me once:
If you ask a Scandinavian for his opinion regarding a special hiking trail and he answers “That might be difficult” that actually means “You will die if you take this route!” :slightly_smiling_face:

Hahahaha :rofl: