Transfering SysEx to Model:Cycles

Hello! i just recently acquired Model:Cycles and I absolutely love it!! I was trying to load some of the demo patches from the website and am having issues with any that are sysex format. It says that they transferred fine but the only folder in the drop menu is a temp folder and can not be located within model cycles. Can someone help me understand what I did wrong? The mc-pst files are able to located and used no problem just the sysex format. Thank you wizards!

A sysex for M:C might be a project or a pattern, or a folder of presets. Do you know which of those you’re dealing with ?

If some sound pack came with a sysex, they should have at least told you which type of sysex it is, and hopefully they should have included instructions too, perhaps in a ‘README’ file.

yeah in the “read me” it brings up a pdf of directions and says to use the transfer app. i did that and at the bottom they all said “done” and it transfers them to a temporary folder (not letting you choose a destination or create a new one) but there is no way to access the temp folder and there were no additional sounds.

Oh, ok, I never used the transfer app for sysex’s. I’d have to go figure that out. For sysex’s I use sysex librarian (mac).

I just experimented with sending a sysex via transfer. I went with ‘Drop’ at top right rather than ‘Explore’ and dropped a sysex which I knew contained a set of presets. On the Cycles, these turned up as a new folder ‘inbox’ on root (same level as factory).

EDIT: It seems the destination changes depending on whether you have the preset folder open on the Cycles or not. If you’re not browsing presets, then new presets will go to ‘inbox’. If you are browsing presets already the presets will land in the folder you’re looking at.

Of course if I’d gone with ‘Explore’ rather than ‘Drop’ I could have chosen the destination folder.

Does any of that help at all ?

i appreciate your response and i will try that in just a moment. just to confirm are you suggesting i should have the presets folder open while doing this? i had just powered it up the last time i tried so it was just on the default load up screen. i am not able to make any sysex transfers using explorer only the mc-pst but i think i understand what youre saying. i will come back hopefully with good news after i get a chance to try this method! thanks again :slight_smile:

I think that makes most sense, yes. Go into the presets folder on the M:C, probably you want to create a new empty folder wherever you want your samples loaded, go into that empty folder, then start the transfer (by dropping the sysex into the ‘drop’ tab).

yeah that didnt work for me im sure im doing something wrong. ive tried to get it in the temp, root as well as created a new folder. im not sure what im doing wrong as it says ‘finished’ at the bottom of the drop menu. thanks for trying to help!

would they be showing up as patches or patterns or both?

That depends on what’s in the sysex. From everything you’ve said (you talked about ‘patches’) I’ve made the assumption that your sysexes are a collection of presets, and everything I’ve said in the last day is based on that.

However what’s in a M:C sysex can vary … could be a whole project, one pattern, a collection (folder) of presets, one preset … I think that’s all the possibilities. ( If you have sent a sysex containing a pattern, it may have overwritten your current pattern.)

What does that PDF you have say about what’s in the sysex ?

so in my account on the elektron website they offer a bunch of free demo sysex files some of the folders contained samples, a few mc-pst and a bunch of sysex. i naturally assumed i can not load any of the samples so i guess i was just under the assumption they were patches.

Since that collection included samples (obviously not meant for the M:C) is it possible those sysexes are also not meant for the M:C ?

i suppose that is a possibility i assumed since this is the only elektron product i own and have registered that they would work with the unit registered. i also got a free pack someone was offering that has a folder for kits, patterns and, presets and even with that i was only able to move the mc-pst which is ok i dont really need patterns or projects but extra sounds to work with are always nice. really do appreciate you trying to help.

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I just logged into my Elektron account to see. I have an M:C and a DT but the DT doesn’t have any extras when one registers. I can see the free Multi-Cycled sound pack that I loaded onto my M:C using Transfer. It has only presets.

I can also see demo versions of all the soundpacks available in the shop, many of which are not intended for the M:C. You might have selected one of those, and if it is for another machine, it won’t be loaded.

I have loaded one sysex (.syx) file into my M:C, and that is Ess’s from the Perfect Circuit demo. I don’t remember if I used Transfer or SysEx Librarian for that, though. I remember making a fresh project on the M:C and moving into it before I attempted anything.

Oo … I missed that one. Just searched but couldn’t find it. Do you have a link ?

It is a very good possibility some of those demos were not for m:c because they were in their own section but it was on the same page below multi cycled. I was able to get the mc-pst files loaded in a folder but not the syx from it. Also if you Google waveparty cycles patches you can download that for free (or contribute if you feel like it) and again was only able to load the same type of files which is great because it does give me extra patches to work with. Either way the loading of projects and patterns aren’t that big of a deal as I’m not very interested in loading up somebody else’s project and patterns.

The Wavparty web page does say you have to use SysEx Librarian to transfer the project. I agree that other people’s projects are of limited value. I loaded Ess’s just to see what sort of design choices he made as part of the early learning process. Between that and the factory patterns I had enough study material.

Yeah I mean the demo tracks that came by default are cool to give you an idea of what it’s capable of but I dont see how using a pattern or project somebody else made could be anything more than an inspiration. I just thought maybe there were more patches in those files and maybe I was missing out. I’m new to elektron and I’ve never used syx files so I appreciate you guys helping me get it all figured out :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

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Just saw your Reddit post with similar questions (I don’t have a Reddit account). You know about live recording using the 16 trig keys as a keyboard? You can do it quantized or unquantized. 9.3.3 in the manual, page 25. Mind you, playing on a chromatic linear arrangement takes some getting used to if you have any keyboard training. I plug in a MIDI keyboard to do this (also allows a wider range of notes and easier octave switching).

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Yeah that was me on reddit I actually get notifications for reddit and didn’t know where id get an answer first. But no I wasn’t aware you could record playing chromaticly im not trained by any means but I can play. I thought the only way to dial notes in was to use the sequencer and change the notes. My midi keyboard is only usb no actual midi i/o so I think I’ll only be able to control via my mpc live.