Transferring samples to Digitakt. Transfer won't connect so using Sysex Librarian

I have a Digitakt soundpack from Electronisounds that is actually sounds with samples, not just samples. I’m on a Mac with Catalina (I’m not downgrading to an older OS, it’s not an option with my other recently updated software (it came out 3 months ago). Elektron Transfer can’t connect to the Digitakt. This means I have to use Sysex Librarian software. I have used Sysex Librarian to transfer Soundpacks to my Digitone but these have just been sounds without samples. My electronisounds soundpack consists of a folder of Wav samples and then the sysex file with all the settings. Unfortunately, I don’t see a way to transfer the samples across too. Any ideas anyone?

Transfer cannot connect? It should work even under Catalina. Can you say any more about specifically what’s happening when you try to connect and what your settings are?

ah-ha, I worked it out. It was under System, my USB settings were set to Overbridge and not USB Midi! Solved. Thanks, J

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