Transient Spaces (octatrack conditional re-sampling)

this abstract piece emerged from experimentation with probabilistic/conditional sampling. Previously I’ve shown the use of generative re-sampling techniques for ambient pieces, but this time I wanted to demonstrate these techniques in service of a more explicitly rhythmic style

the only samples used were a stock drum loop and a noise sample (used to excite a comb filter). I used two internal re-sampling tracks, one which records the output of the noise track, and the other which samples from the cue bus - changing which tracks feed the cue bus then became an important aspect of the performance

I used only 1 part, and there are two main patterns. Each main pattern has a variation pattern that is identical except it will not activating re-sampling (i.e. no ‘record trigs’). So if I liked what I was hearing and/or wanted the samples to persist longer, I could switch to the version of the pattern that would not trigger re-sampling

performing this piece was very interesting and challenging in a very similar way to working with my typical eurorack patches, where live re-sampling, highly interdependent signal flows, and generative techniques result in highly interactive and reactive musical systems

audio direct from the Octatrack main outs, post-production compression, EQ, and limiting applied


Sounds great.would love a tutorial on how you did this

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thanks!! am working on a video of the basics of the approach I used here, and some related techniques as well - I keep getting sidetracked with new ideas because this stuff is too much fun! :loopy:


Yeah.i love the octatrack.even 3 years after owning 1 I still find new ways of using it.:grin:


I think it took me at least 2 years to even begin to see the possibilities, always feels like just scratching the surface! recently focusing on using solo octatrack has also greatly deepened my understanding since I’m forced to squeeze more out of it and be more accepting of its limitations and quirks in order to get where I want to go


Yeah I find that to.been working away so been taking the ot with me and trying to learn new methods and tricks with it👍

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nice! a portable or semi-portable groovebox would have been amazing when I traveled for work a long time ago but I didn’t even know the meaning of the word at the time and was dragging my electric bass around with me instead :smile:


Dragging basses around is what I do for a living :slight_smile:
Awesome jam. Look forward to your video breakdown of how it all works!


haha, too funny! my main bass peeks in on the corner of some of the shots in this video, I desperately need to re-do the electronics and set it up properly, have neglected it for some time :blush:

thanks! need to get to work on that… :zipper_mouth_face:


Dude, really interesting. If you don’t have time for a tutorial video, consider uploading a project file that we could reverse engineer? I love to see how people set up these kinds if structures.

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thanks! I’m already working on making a tutorial on the conditional re-sampling technique at play here - it’s actually the only reason this piece of music even exists - it’s also much more valuable to me personally to teach fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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