Transition among patterns

Hi elektronauts
A question…is there a way to create a smooth transiction alone different patterns? A kind of fade out/fade in way…
Thanks for helping

Don’t think so in the DT on it’s own.

Could designate one track in each pattern As a clue to the next pattern. Mix it in then change patterns.

Expensive solution is to add an octatrack to record pattern and cross fade on the fly

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A midi-synced looper pedal/device could work.

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Use looper or even better > synchronised stereo delay with long time and Feedback…

Not sure if it’s possible to do it with internal delay, I guess it resets the buffer when changing a pattern… or not?

Otherwise Zen Delay or any other stereo Echo will do the trick

It was a strange Italian machine called Reminder, delay + analog filter + some other efx… would b a killer tool for this method!

You could resample one or more Bars, and use that sample on a track in the next pattern. In that pattern, have all the other tracks muted and fade them in one after another

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I am not sure I got this point correctly…can you explain more in details? Thanks

Thanks. How would you do that?

You can use an external MISi synchronized Looper such as Pigtronix Infinity

Record your current loop into the looper at any point, then move the mix control till only what’s being looped is heard, switch patterns on the Digitakt, then blend back to the live pattern.


Got it! Thanks. Which looper would you suggest?

You could actually use the Digitakt resampling feature but you’d loose the stereo and need practicing to get it right.

Look for loopers threads on this forum I guess.