Transport Send/Receive Not Showing

In the manual I see options “Transport Send” and “Transport Receive” shown on the MIDI Config > Sync section but they do not show on the Digitone’s screen for me

Any ideas? OS version? Something that need to be set “higher in the chain” to make these appear?

I’m looking to control my DAW’s transport

Yes. You need to update to the latest OS version (currently 1.30A) to see these controls as separate parameters. On your current OS version the transport functions should be controlled by the “Clock Send” and “Clock Receive” settings.

Which DAW? Not all DAWs can be controlled by MIDI Start, Stop, Continue messages.

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Thx @PeterHanes
I got it working!
I previously tried toggling “Clock Send” and “Clock Receive” settings but with no luck
But there was a synchronization setting Bitwig I needed to set

I will do the update (of course)
Just wanted to get through the manual and “kick the tires” first…for some reason

It would be nice to have the record button work (just for ergonomics) but of course then I would be in recording mode on the Digitone as well (which may not be what I want).

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