Is there a way i can transpose all my patches +12 or +24? like a global one. not interested in tracks etc, i’m not using the sequencer or tracks at all.
I ctrl+f’ed the manual for “transpose” but it’s tons to cover… maybe its not there and i have to do it manually for each sound (that will suck…)
Can you provide more details on what you’re trying to do? I think it would be good to read “10.12.19 Track Transpose” in the manual first though. Apologies if that’s a different section in the A4 MKII manual, I’m using the MKI booklet.
(multi)Sampling many of the patches to my blackbox, its automated so i need higher oct from what the blackbox sends right now… Track won’t do much i reckon since i’m just browsing the patches, not using tracks or sequencing etc.
blackbox is controlling the sequencing and parameters on the A4? sorry if that’s redundant, I’m not familiar with what the blackbox can do. If it sends MIDI to your A4, maybe check the appendix for the parameters you’re looking to control and go from there.
That will very likely make it out of tune, not a good thing to touch i believe.
And yeah, you can configure most things (like length of note it should receive) but not which octave BB sends when it comes to the automated multisampling.
I’ll do it manually for each patch, it’s doable but boring hehe.