Trash Audio synth meet May 24th in Portland

Just posting this here. i think the word has gotten out but never hurts to remind people :slight_smile:

trash audio synth meet in portland on may 24th. details here.

lot’s of performances and module demos etc from many manufacturers. also this will coincide with the opening of the physical store front of the MuffWiggler Shop in Portland :slight_smile:

good things!

I’ll be there.

make sure you say hello! i’ll be the middle aged white guy with hat/glasses who needs to lose 20 LBS. so, ya know… easy to spot. :wink:

steve -

I’ll be there, it sounds like a very cool event and it’s always good to plug into the Portland electronic community. (pun intended)

I live in Portland, and will most certainly be there!

Thanks for posting Ignatius. I’m really looking forward to this!

Just a reminder to those of you near Portland Oregon about this event. I’m really looking forward to it and hope to finally meet some fellow synth heads (I’ve been a hermit in my studio since I moved here.)