Trent Reznor uses a Digitakt!

Must be a Cleveland thing.


…and my sparkling wine from Cleveland. :smiley:


Well, now I guess I’m listening to NIN on the way home from work now.


Might as well pick you up some of that Sparkling Cleveland as well.


We’ve had enough of this OLD wine! Bring us your freshest bottle!


I know right … i was spooked out

I enjoyed Trent in the '90s. I enjoy his later work as well, but it doesn’t quite grab me the way the early halos did.

I really love Inverse Phase’s cover:

I find myself singing along, but pitching down an octave or two. James Earl Jones singing early NIN halos would be :fire:.


Didn’t know reznor matters…’

Broken is still my favorite. PHM after that (especially a modern remaster).

Otherwise With Teeth and newer are more my thing. I love the catchy ones like Only, Echoplex, Satellite, etc.


The Meathead Perspective was definitely my favorite NIN fan-site.


but seriously, I’m in my 30s now, and the idea of still writing jokes about Nine Inch Nails when i’m 40 scares the shit out of me.


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Well, what if I told you that my post was sort of tongue-in-cheek and that I’m 36 and that I’m kind of scared right now? :wink:


:sweat_smile: I can remember turning up at gigs and clubs in the 90’s and loads of ppl outside wearing NIN t-shirts. Because they weren’t allowed in.
But if he’s good enough for GaryNuman, it’s probably about time I had a listen?

Oh man that takes me back hard. Feeling my age reading that one.

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“If you already look like this, congratulations!”

And for a time, I did.ideal


To the extent that I have heroes, they are 70-something and race sailboats from SF to Hawaii. So I’d say that you are about half way there.


For a while, it was “cool” to hate NIN.

Love FLA, love F242, love the Puppy, etc. but hate NIN.

Fact is though, Trent is a musical genius, and attracts other musical geniuses like Cortini.

To hate NIN, makes me take the hater less seriously as an electronic musician plain and simple.

It would be like hating Beck, or the Dust Brothers, or FSOL, or The Prodigy.

They may not be “your thing”, but to deny the genius behind these, is…. SILLY?

I think a lot of these… (do we call them debates?) stem from where the listener was at the time when certain art/material became popular among certain crowds.

Music is art, and as art, is subjective. However, there is some objectively apparent genius behind a lot of art, movements, etc.

To reduce it to fad status or the like is short-sighted.

Taste is taste, but recognition of talent, or genius, or skill can happen without having to “like the latest xxxxx album”.

Johnny Cash was mentioned above. I very much do not gel with country, folk, and other styles that he created. However, I will forever regard him as a musical (and otherwise) genius and purveyor of artistic truths.

(Just as an off the cuff example…)

IMO, Trent is an icon, along with Bill Loeb, Al Jorgenson, Dwayne Goetel and the Cevin/Niveks, etc.

Like Gary Numan of the 90s if you will (or won’t)

To tie it all in, I’m glad he loves the Digis!



At some distant time it was cooler to be defined by what we disapproved of, disillusioned that it made us more sophisticated or genuine.

I still don’t get why people didn’t like Numans “Exile”. Excellent narrative backed by great music.


To hate NIN, was maybe fashionable in itself and to treat the rather serious subject matter and quality execution as a joke, in tribute… (like Meathead did) can’t be cool forever. Primus could only “suck” for so long etc.


Bucks Fizz had the same hate issues :laughing:

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