Trent Reznor uses a Digitakt!

“I’ve moved over to hardware drum machines and Digitakt, I like touching stuff.”


That’s a terrible lie.
I’m hurt.


For those who arent NIN fans, or dont want to read the interview.

“I’ve moved over to hardware drum machines and Digitakt, I like touching stuff.”




well of course, the digitakt is god and Trent is an disciple


Saying Trent uses _____, is like saying Jay Leno has a _____ in his garage.
Jay has every car in his garage……


Trent Reznor and Jay Leno in the same sentence. Are there no standards anymore


When an analogy works, it works.


Love it-

Synth History: How do you know when a song is done?

Trent Reznor: You know, that used to terrify me, because I’ve always felt that hard work equals… I felt like I can outwork you [the song], not you personally. Make up for any inadequacies by paying attention to details. It’s not like mathematics where there’s an end, you’ve solved it, when you know what’s right. I’ve come to trust my instinct of recognizing when fatigue is part of it. Allowing yourself to realize that’s really fucking good. Could it be better? [pauses] No.

Synth History: [laughs]

Trent Reznor: You know? And living with that, waking up the next day and not feeling like “could have made that.” That’s not to say, you might listen back five years later and go “not sure what I was thinking at the time”. But I can say at the time, anything I’ve put out I felt was the best it could be without compromise.

But it’s funny, I’ll run into musicians sometimes and they’ll say, talking about something they’ve done, "that’s the first time I’ve ever felt good about putting out a piece of music.” And it’s like well, if you haven’t thought it was great… why would you think anyone else would? If I’m going to ask the world to consider spending time, then I want you to know, hey, this is the top tier. Not just, “It’s okay”. This was the best shit I could do. Maybe it’s worthy of your attention.

from a recent Hudson Mohawke interview

The amount of times that I’ve been working on something and been like, “Oh, yeah! This riff from this thing might work in that thing.” But for years and years, I wasn’t exporting everything, I would just make things and I would just forget about them. Then I wouldn’t know what they were called because all my files are just named randomly, so I got into the habit of exporting everything. Then, I’ll always have this batch of “Oh, this is just a drum loop”, or “This is just like a synth line” and it always seems to come in useful, even if I was like “this is garbage” at the time. Then I listen to it a couple of weeks later and have another idea for something. So I think exporting things.

It’s the same with any art. It’s not sitting around, or not expecting inspiration to strike you but just doing it, and doing it sort of methodically, as much as you can afford to spend the time on it.


I’m dying. I laughed out loud so hard I work up my sleeping family.
there are truly no standards anymore.


Jay Leno uses a Digitakt?!


Are you not paying attention? Jay Leno has Trent Reznor’s Digitakt in his garage.


Now now……
You’ve seen enough of my posts to know I’ve never had standards


I’m not going to lie folks. Ive legit long had this idea in my head that one day I’ll be visiting New Orleans and bump into Trent. I’ve been working out what to say to get him to let me come check out his synths. Can ya’ll give me a hand? So far all I’ve got is "Trent! Uh hey mannnn…I like Moog too…":+1:t2: :smiley:. “Can I comeover to your house?” I don’t know. Does it come off kind of weird?


Am I the only one here that is not that impressed by trent resnor? I mean his beats are fire, but so are mine and a lot of people’s… but his vocals… gawd they are lame…


I think it was so weird he fled to LA not long after her moved to New Orleans :stuck_out_tongue:


Not everything is for everybody.


Quite possibly…


Except 303s. Everybody needs a 303.


Nope. Cant say Im a fan either.

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I like some NIN stuff, other things they’ve done…meh. But I will say this - they are one of the god-tier live acts. Saw them in Boston this spring (Boston Calling festival) where they headlined Friday night and then got tasked with headlining Saturday night when the Strokes had to cancel due to COVID. They did an almost entirely different set that night…apparently they have 80 songs ready to go, with the stage production in place for all the material as well.