Trick can be used to build a 4 page Track/Pattern, from multiple 1 page patterns

This trick can be used to build a 4 page/bar Track/Pattern, from multiple 1 page/bar patterns…
Especially useful when building melodic patterns, so you don’t have to wait for all 64 beats to play, before hearing the change you made to one note in the pattern.

Use a separate track (track 1 for example) to build one page/bar note patterns, then copy them to a singe destination track (track 2 for example), one page/bar at a time, until your destination track (2), has all 4 pages/bars in it.

Page - Copy, Paste, Clear
To do these operations, you need to be in Grid Recording (play or stop) mode.

Copying a PAGE, copies the trigs, from one of the four pages of a track.

Then you can paste those trigs, to one of the four pages, of another track.

First, select a track to copy a page from, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to copy, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to copy from is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the COPY(RECORD) button, then release the PAGE button.

To paste the page of trigs, into a page of another track.
First, select a track to paste a page to, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to paste to, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to paste to, is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the PASTE(STOP) button, then release the PAGE button.

To clear one page of a track.
First, select a track to erase a page from, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to erase, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to erase is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the CLEAR(PLAY) button, then release the PAGE button.

NOTE: I find it easier to perform these operations when the sequencer is not running (RECORD and STOP lights lit, not flashing), as it is easier to see witch page I have selected.

Remember you must be in Grid Recording mode, to perform these operations.

For this purpose, I think there’s a shorter way. Starting with your full 64 step pattern

  1. Use ‘track rotate’ (hold down TRACK, turn LEVEL/DATA) to move the part of the melody you want into the 16 steps
  2. Shorten pattern to 16 steps, edit the melody.
  3. Set pattern back to 64 steps, and rotate the melody track back to where it should be.

I’m pretty sure that works … will try it out later and edit this reply if needed.

Of course, doing this might be pretty hard if the track you’re editing doesn’t have a distinctive visual pattern to follow during the rotate (e.g. when every one of the 64 steps has a note) … but even in that case, you could count clicks on level/data.

These both sound like very useful tips, can’t wait to get home and try them. I’ve been loving this thing for a while but sometimes i get brain farts about copy/paste, tried to RTFM but sometimes simple functions seem kinda complex…curious about one thing, you say you must be IN grid rec mode before copying patterns, but in the manual for copy/paste function it says 2 or 3 times, grid rec must be deactivated?