Trig mutes, somehow

This is maybe described elsewhere, but: It is possible to mute (red)trigs in grid recording mode with (func+trig), trigs will turn yellow and not play, and removing the “mute” again by pressing trig directly (without func)… underlaying (red)trig will be restored again with parameter locks and all…

Yellow trigs are called “trigless trigs” (yes I know). They don’t trig the sound (ie the envelopes), but plocks will potentially affect a sound still running. Try on a long sound, these trigless locks can be used e.g. to change an FX send or a synthesis parameter, or even a LFO parameter, while the note is constantly playing.

Indeed, I’m aware of the trigless trigs from my AKeys and OT… but the a4 also have trig mutes (unike DN?) , so it seems to be a sort of “mute” - workaraound on the DN to place a yellow trig on top of the normal trig…

Indeed, I wasn’t sure you were aware.
You can also use /FILL trig condition and press PAGE when you want to mute these trigs.

Yes, but with this “method” I describe you can easily remove individual hits on the fly, and not have to decide beforehand?

ofcourse, another colour on these “temporary mutes” would have been helpful visually, but it does work