Trig programming queries

I’m finding that setting trigs can sometimes be tedious. I know that you can hold down more than one at a time, but changing something like the tuning of a synth across 4 pages of trigs when there is no snap on the tuning dial is really frustrating. I’m still relatively new to this. Also wondering why some of the trig conditions can’t be set to work across the whole pattern like the trig probability can? (ie play whole pattern 1:2) I’m hoping I’m missing something really obvious.

I don’t own a syntakt but have other Elektrons, I think I can address some of this though

Changing pitch, if you mean for Melody can’t you just use Note or use an external keyboard to set the note value? Generally in Rec mode holding a trig & pressing a midi key will set the note value.

Not sure if you know but you can copy/paste steps including all locks with Function & the play/rec keys. You can even copy multiple if you can make your fingers do the necessary shape to select them then paste to one trig which will be the start point.

The per track probability is quite a new feature, there is no per track conditionals, though it’s a good idea & worth requesting. I’d make use of it, I’m much more into conditionals than probability.

EDIT: oh you said Pattern Conditionals, I doubt that will ever be implemented as the display/controls work on a track basis.

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Change the root note instead of the tuning :wink:

Or remove the trigs for the tuning and then tune. Hold down trigs and press the corresponding dial deletes the tuning information.

Also wondering why some of the trig conditions can’t be set to work across the whole pattern like the trig probability can?

Yeah, that would be cool, but it seems like not possible currently …

Thanks guys, my music theory isn’t great, so I use the synth tuner - for instance if I want to take a section of a pattern up a third I just turn the tuner up to 3:00 on each of the trigs in that section. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by route note, perhaps I’m missing something?


TOP-left is the Note associated to a Trig. If the rectangle is filled, then it’s saved to a trig. If not, the trig has no pitch information.

I think you are searching for a transpose function, but I believe the Syntakt doesn’t have that (I don’t do much melodic stuff with mine :wink: ).



Did you mean top-left?

And is associated to the Root note.

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Tedious Trigs - nice name for a band.


Thank you, yes you are right about wanting a transpose, the note button having an option to snap to keyboard scale would be great - using the tune button is my work around. It does work, but just a little bit fiddly dialling in the exact number each time. My work is quite melodic, perhaps not what the Syntakt was designed for but I’m getting a lot out of it.

Unhappy Design is good as well ^^

Using Tune is the right way, for now.
I don’t think the Song Mode can transpose neither, so far.

A workaround could be to setup different patterns with your different scales, and chain them.
I don’t know your workflow, so it’s hard to know what’s best.


Yes I guess that is an option, I like to have a melodic sequence repeating across four pages of a track but transpose one or more of them up 3, 4, 5, or 7 to add a bit of interest. The tuner works for now, but would love an option to snap to keyboard scale for trig notes - I know I’m not alone in asking for this.

A third is not 3 semitones tho

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Oh. This. “Advanced transpose” so to say…
You might ask this in Song Mode ⇒

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… it’s a minor third (the only third you’ll ever need) …



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OK I admitted from the start that I have only a little theory :upside_down_face: I swear retuning has sounded OK on the couple of patterns I’ve used it on. In the future, I’ll just replay my initial pattern further up or down the folded keyboard in whatever scale I’m using. Would be very cool to have the trig key snap to the same scale though - it could be used to improvise with, as well as for transposing.

Might as well have been the case. In my music I also only ever transpose melodies or riffs chromatically ( = like when using a tuning knob), because the change in character (others usually want) when changing the position in a scale or mode is not wanted by me.

And if it sounds right to the musical ear, it is right :wink:

I don’t know which kind of music you do, but genres like Techno often do NOT follow the 18th century rules of harmony and that’s what makes them so interesting.